Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim Announcement

IGU 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester Distance Education Course Planning

The interrupted education at our university due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) will start again on Monday, 23.03.2020 with the internet-based distance education system (LMS). The necessary information is provided below.

1. All courses, except applied courses, will be taught via the distance education system. Students can log into the distance education system from the address of with their OBIS username and password as of 23.03.2020.
2. Due to the transition to distance education, all of your weekly face-to-face course programs previously announced have been canceled.
3. All courses offered by distance education will be uploaded to the distance education system within a week, regardless of the day and time. Students will be able to log in to the system anytime and watch the lessons again whenever they want.
4. Students will be able to see which courses to be taught via distance education in the OBIS - Courses Taken section.
5. For students not to lose their rights in this process, applied courses that cannot be given by distance education will be given intensively, when we start face-to-face education.
6. Students' attendance status will be evaluated by the duration of their stay in the system. 
7. In case of the extraordinary situation prolongs and the delay of the face-to-face education, midterm exams and evaluations of all activities during the semester will be made through the distance education system.
8. If the exams are conducted through the distance education system, the evaluation criteria and exam dates will be announced on Monday, 30.03.2020 at the latest.
9. For students who have started their internship or professional practice process and whose internship or practice has been canceled due to the process, planning will be made and information will be announced when face to face education is started.

Created Date:   Saturday, March 21, 2020

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