Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

“Divorces occur within the first 5 years”

Divorces have increased significantly in recent years said Prof. Dr. Kamil Kaya and added, “According to the data of TURKSTAT (2021), it is seen that approximately one third of every three marriages end in divorce. Moreover, these divorces take place in the first years of marriage, especially in the first five years.”

According to TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institute) 2021, the number of married couples was 542 thousand 314 in 2019, while it decreased by 10.1% in 2020 to 487 thousand 270. Compared to 2019, there was a significant decrease in the number of married couples, especially in April (68.7 percent) and May (61.6 percent) in 2020.


Expressing that the main reason for this decrease is the pandemic that affects our country as well as the whole world, Prof. Dr. Kamil Kaya, “According to the data of TURKSTAT (2021), it is seen that approximately one third of every three marriages end in divorce. Moreover, these divorces take place in the first years of marriage, especially in the first five years. When the increasing age at marriage and early divorces are evaluated together, it is understood that the duration of marriage is decreasing in our society.”

Kaya continued his speech on the subject as follows:

“According to the data of TURKSTAT (2021), approximately one third (35.3 percent) of divorces in our country in 2020 occured in the first five years of marriage, approximately one-fifth (20.7%) occured within 6-10 years of marriage; therefore, more than half (56 percent) of divorces occurred within the first ten years of marriage. For this reason, especially the first five years of marriage are considered as “critical years”. Consequently, while expressing the increase in divorce rates in our country, the statements such as "Divorce is now fashionable" point to a social reality.


Emphasizing that 124 thousand 742 children were affected as a result of divorce cases that were concluded in the last year, Prof. Dr. Kamil Kaya said, “It is seen that the custody of approximately one fourth of these children is given to the father (24.2 percent) and three-quarters to the mother (75.8 percent).

“Divorces occur within the first 5 years” Created Date: :   Monday, July 12, 2021

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