Along with social media applications, it is now very easy to announce a product, place or event that we like or dislike to large audiences. Asst. Prof. Dr. Seyra Kestel stated that although brands have a strong reputation and image, they may face a "cancellation culture".
With the rapid development of communication technologies and the presence of social media in every aspect of our daily lives, new definitions have entered our lives. One of these new definitions, "cancellation culture", is a controversial concept. Cancellation culture, which we encounter in different areas, finds its place in the literature as a new definition that brands should consider, particularly in terms of crisis management.
We often see the reflections of the boycott, sometimes against brands and sometimes against individuals who are well-known by society. The "cancellation culture", a phenomenon in which the individual is pushed out of the social sphere, both in social media and in other areas, entered our lives with the increase in the use of social media. Asst. Prof. Dr. Seyra Kestel from Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Department of Advertising stated the following: “Thanks to the interaction feature of social media, the agenda is set even with instant reactions. With this agenda setting, individuals or institutions can be canceled by groups in a short time. The cancellation culture, which is confronted by the population as a form of protest, can result in being pushed out of the social environment”.
Cancellation culture is of great significance for institutions and brands as well as individuals. Because today, although brands have a strong reputation and public opinion, they can be faced with a cancellation culture. Dr. Kestel indicated, “In a very short time, any brand that is boycotted by the populations, especially through social media, may experience major crises. It is crucial for brands that are faced with a cancellation culture can successfully manage their crisis.”
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