While the production in the cinema industry continues to increase with the developing technology and opportunities, hundreds of film festivals are organized throughout the year. Award-winning director Ahmet Bikic from Istanbul Gelisim University evaluated documentary cinema, which has a significant role in the cinema industry. Director Bikic discussed many issues such as position of documentary cinema in society.
Director-Lect. Ahmet Bikiç emphasized that the production of documentary films has increased especially in recent years and stated the following: “It is known that developing technical equipment has helped many directors. Considering that documentary teams work with small budgets, technological developments are positively healing and helpful for documentarians. The bad and dangerous side of this situation is that everyone who has a camera thinks they are a director. Sector productions, whose quality and quality have decreased, also show themselves at this point.”
Lect. Ahmet Bikic from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Communication and Design:
“Documentary films not only strengthen intercultural communication, but also immortalize these cultures and thus contribute to the development of society. As a society, our views and perspectives on documentary films are quite lacking. The documentary sheds light on societies and future generations. Hence, it must be in a very important position. In the past, filmmakers put pressure on the director to use the budget well, emphasizing that s/he should be careful in situations such as choosing a subject and using time. Extending the deadline meant an increase in the budget. Acting by conducting in-depth research on the subject s/he thought to shoot with these restrictions, the director was producing quality works. Today, thanks to technology, many people have the opportunity to make films and research easily and have the opportunity to use their time savings well. The state of comfort and convenience also reveals new forms of expression.”
Bikic also added: ‘’One of the most important issues to be considered in a documentary film is choosing the subject of the documentary. In the documentaries that can be watched by all segments of the society, the subjects can be very sensitive. Therefore, in order not to make mistakes, it is necessary to have knowledge on the subject to be shoot.’’
Documentary films that emerged as a result of long-term research are the reflection of science and art on the screen. Director Bikic: “I shoot documentaries that focus on ‘’human’’. Documentary cinema also draws attention in terms of comprehending and expressing the society. As a society that does not have the reading habit much, documentary cinema should be an alternative warning mechanism to society.”
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