The winners of the Kaygusuz Abdal 12th Story and Poetry Competition have been announced. In the competition organized by the Güncel Sanat Dergisi (Journal of Contemporary Art), Dr. Emrah Tüncer, Faculty Member at the Social Work Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University entitled to the "Mediterranean Award", which is the best story award.
The Kaygusuz Abdal Story and Poetry Competition, which is held every year in the Alanya district of Antalya to keep the name of Kaygusuz Abdal alive, was held this year for the 12th time. In the competition that received a large number of applications, the works of the authors competed in the field of poetry or story on the topics they desired without being tied to a specific topic.
Entitled to receive the "Mediterranean Award" with his story titled ‘’Adını Unuttum (I Forgot Your Name)’’, having a topic freely chosen, Dr. Emrah Tüncer, Faculty Member at Istanbul Gelisim University said, ‘’ I took part in this competition with a travel story on my path to understand Kaygusuz Abdal, and I am very happy that it was awarded. The general topic in literature, which is defined as the art of expressing aesthetically the events occurring in the society, the thoughts of people, their feelings and dreams through language, is human. In this sense, it often deals with human beings and their relationships with other people. Further, novels and stories provide information about the social, political and economic conditions of the period in which the event took place. That's why I think that importance should be attached to read literary texts and write in that genre in the academia.”
Kaygusuz Abdal 12th Story and Poetry Competition awards are planned to be presented to their winners in May. You can access to the winners of the competition here.
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