Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Healthy eating suggestions during the feast

Making healthy eating recommendations for the Ramadan Feast, which coincides with the lockdown measures this year, Specialist Dietician Merve Bayram from Istanbul Gelisim University said, “Switching to the old eating pattern after Ramadan may lead to a psychological tendency to eat more. In this case, stomach problems such as indigestion and sudden increases and decreases in blood sugar can be seen. Therefore, chew the foods well, consume less but often.”

Stating that the eating pattern has changed due to fasting during the month of Ramadan, Specialist Dietician Merve Bayram said, “The decrease in the number of meals and changing eating habits can slow down the metabolism and cause to eat more food while transitioning to the old eating pattern with Ramadan Feast. In addition to causing weight gain, this situation can adversely affect health in many ways. For this reason, we need to be careful about our diet even though we are at home during the feast.”


Suggesting to start the day with a glass of water, Merve Bayram said, “The most important point after Ramadan is water consumption. At least 2-2.5 liters of water should be drunk daily in order to replace the loss of fluid that may occur in the body due to the decrease in water and fluid consumption with fasting. In addition, you can add cinnamon, lemon, mint leaves, greens, cucumber and ginger into your water to make water consumption enjoyable.”


Bayram said, “Considering that more food will be consumed during the day, starting the day with a light breakfast helps our digestive system to work healthier and prevents problems such as indigestion, gas and swelling that may occur during the day. In addition to protein-rich eggs and cheese; foods that will positively affect the metabolism and digestive system such as fiber-rich greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and 1-2 slices of whole wheat or rye bread should be consumed. In addition, simple carbohydrates such as pastry, white bread and foods such as salami, sausage and soudjouk should be avoided. If you are going to consume dessert during the day, foods such as jam, chocolate and honey should not be consumed."


Bayram added, “Especially dark green leafy vegetables, all vegetables, fruits, legumes such as beans, chickpeas, lentils, bulgur and whole grain products are foods rich in fiber, and increasing their consumption helps the digestive system work regularly and protect against constipation. In addition, fibrous foods prevent blood sugar from rising rapidly. Adults should consume at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, if possible."


Emphasizing on increasing fluid consumption, Bayram said, “Increasing water consumption helps replace fluid loss, facilitate digestion, adjust the body's heat balance, and most importantly, remove harmful substances from the body more easily. Drinks such as herbal teas, plain mineral water, milk, and ayran should be preferred instead of caffeinated beverages and soft drinks such as tea and coffee. "Sugary and carbonated drinks should not be consumed because they do not quench the thirst and cause more thirst.”


Bayram indicated the importance of eating less and often and said, “Switching to the old eating pattern after Ramadan may lead to a psychological tendency to eat more. In this case, stomach problems such as indigestion and sudden increases and decreases in blood sugar can be seen. For this reason, foods should be chewed well and should be consumed little by little and often. In addition, meal breaks should be arranged for at least 2 hours and maximum 4-5 hours.”


Pointing out that the consumption of dessert should be avoided, Bayram said, “Traditionally, dessert comes to mind first when it comes to feast. While choosing desserts, desserts with dough and sherbet, candies, delights and chocolates should be avoided, and instead of them, milk or fruit desserts should be preferred.”


Bayram said, “Fatty and fried foods should be avoided since they will cause more energy intake than needed. Especially people with health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, insulin resistance and obesity should be more careful to avoid sudden health problems. Likewise, too much salt intake also poses a risk for hypertension patients by negatively affecting blood pressure.”

Specialist Dietitian Merve Bayram concluded her words as follows;
“In addition to positively affecting physical and mental health, physical activity accelerates the metabolism that slows down with fasting. On this holiday during the lockdown, metabolism can be kept alive by choosing light sports that can be done at home.”

Healthy eating suggestions during the feast Created Date: :   Wednesday, May 12, 2021

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