Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

'High School Winter Academy' hosted nearly a thousand students from 27 countries

The High School Winter Academies organized by the universities in order to direct the future career choices of prospective students have ended. Nearly a thousand students from 27 countries attended the trainings organized online due to the pandemic.

In the statement made by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), which has international students from 97 different countries, it was shared that nearly a thousand students from 27 countries participated in the "High School Winter Academy" program held online.

Chairman of the IGU Board of Trustees Abdülkadir Gayretli, who informed that nearly 1,500 international students were enrolled in their universities in the 2020-2021 academic year despite the pandemic conditions, said: “Our total number of international students exceeded 3,500. Almost a thousand students from 27 countries, nationally and internationally, participated in the "High School Winter Academy" training programs. Meeting with university academics, students experienced university life, albeit from a distance. We came together with students who are interested in many different fields from science to sports.”


Evaluating Turkey's becoming the 10th country in the world with the highest number of international students in higher education with 125,138 students according to the 2018 data published by the United Nations Educational Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) Abdülkadir Gayretli said: “We are moving forward on the path opened by the Higher Education Council (YÖK) led by Prof. Dr. Yekta Saraç in the name of internationalization. We are increasing the number of international students above 20 percent.”


Providing information about the departments most preferred by international students, Gayretli said: “Physiotherapy and rehabilitation, architecture, business, nursing and civil engineering departments are coming to fore.”

'High School Winter Academy' hosted nearly a thousand students from 27 countries Created Date: :   Wednesday, February 10, 2021

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