Istanbul Gelisim University

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How do you overcome depression in old age?

Advising on how to manage depression in old age, Gerontologist Lect. F. Sıla Ayan said: “The old age period is not a process in which there are definite and inevitable losses. However, it appears as a period of radical changes.”

Experts state that the vast majority of anti-aging prejudices address hopelessness and unhappiness in later life, and add that some changes observed in the life process can cause depression, which is a common problem among the elderly. It is also stated that after the development of mental illness, some important results affecting quality of life and health can be observed. Gerontologist Lect. F. Sıla Ayan from Istanbul Gelisim University shared information about depression chart in old age, how to understand and how to manage it.


Gerontologist Lect. F. Sıla Ayan said: “Mental health problems can greatly impair the functionality of the elderly. Many physical health problems affect mental health, and many mental health problems affect physical health, as well.” And continued: “Looking at the data of the last decade, almost 20 percent of people 55 year-old and older have experienced a mental health problem, which is not a normal part of aging. Elderly people with mental illness are often under-diagnosed because they do not tend to seek health care. In addition, the symptoms associated with mental disorders in the elderly are more organic complaints than young people and may be misdiagnosed.”


Recalling the problems experienced by the elderly with mental health problems in the process of applying to health institutions, diagnosis and treatment, Ayan listed the reasons leading to this situation as follows:
Fear of stigma
The denial of the problem
Difficulty in accessing health care
Lack of workforce
Inadequate patient support systems


F. Sıla Ayan said: “The old age period is not a process in which there are definite and inevitable losses. However, it appears as a period of radical changes. Some of the situations that cause the stress level of the elderly to increase are the death of a person they love, the end of an important relationship, the loss of the habitual environment, the long-term distance from the usual social environment, health problems, poverty, the presence of a large number of chronic diseases (NCDs), side effects of some medications. Nevertheless, the life history and individual characteristics of the patient should be taken into consideration while making the evaluation. Likewise, even in the elderly who are diagnosed with major depression, exacerbations are observed during the anniversary of important life events.”
What kind of attitudes will be observed in the depressed elderly person, Ayan listed as:
“Extreme sadness
Absence of emotion or feeling of emptiness
Loss of interest or dislike for activities previously held with love
Not being able to do daily activities at home or at work
Disturbed sleep, disturbed awakening, early awakening
Loss of appetite, anorexia or overeating
Concentration and memory difficulties
Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and guilt
Feeling weak, tired, burnout
Symptoms are generally worse in the morning.
Death and suicidal thoughts (Wish to die or wish to be dead)
Disconnection from reality (in people with severe depression)
People with symptoms of bipolar depression may have extreme joy and enthusiasm
Don't move or speak slowly enough to attract other people's attention
To think it would be better to die or harm oneself
In elderly people, these symptoms can be confused with different causes and effects, so diagnosis is rather challenging.”


Ayan stating that a medical treatment plan, music and light therapies, lifestyle changes, and intervention gerontology interventions are recommended for the elderly, after interviewing the patient and applying various neuropsychological tests to the patient, said: “The important thing is to improve the patient's adaptability and to gain the ability to meet the changes and transformations experienced in cold blood. In this way, life events do not affect the person in a shocking manner, and self-confidence and self-efficacy are provided.”
Emphasizing that the problems not detected and managed in the early stages can become more severe in the following process and lead to even sad cases such as suicide, Ayan said: “To show the necessary care and attention to our respectable elders, to detect changes in emotional state at an early stage and to support them without judgment is very important for the elderly as well as for all age groups.”

How do you overcome depression in old age? Created Date: :   Tuesday, February 11, 2020

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