Istanbul Gelisim University gave 'Speed Reading Techniques Training' to the advisory teachers in Van. The "Speed Reading Techniques Training" given by Trainer Ferhat Şahin at Elite World Van Hotel lasted two days.
Making a statement at the end of the training, Asst. Prof. Dr. Bülent Degirmenci, Head of Corporate Communications Department of Istanbul Gelisim University, stated that their aim is to make students gain the habit of reading books and to increase the ways of reading more books within the framework of the social responsibility project. Emphasizing that such trainings are given in many provinces of Turkey, Degirmenci also added: “We have given these trainings in 45 provinces since last year. The results were also incredibly good. Students who previously read 200-300 words per minute easily increased it to 500-600 or even 700 words. This made us very happy.”
Drawing attention to the fact that young people in Turkey have reading problems, Degirmenci also indicated, “Especially in recent years, the questions that appeared in the exams were the question styles that turned into paragraph styles, aimed at understanding what they read and demanding speed. Hence, we seek to find out ‘’How can they be successful in such a short time? How can they achieve the result?’’ So, it can be said that that arose out of necessity. Based on this need, we conducted various surveys to our students. We provided these trainings in line with their needs and requests. Counselors' participation in education is also high. After Van, we will provide these trainings in Rize and Trabzon, too.”
Advisory Teacher Helin Yağca stated that the trainings were good and productive and added: “I have been an advisory teacher for 22 years and I was very prejudiced about this subject. I thought it would not be possible to read fast with understanding. However, the trainings were very productive not only for me but also for all participants. Now the exam is a serious process and requires a serious intensity. Exam times are too long. Of course, it is a very significant factor for each student to read quickly with understanding and to increase their success in the exam. In this sense, I would like to thank Istanbul Gelisim University.”
Another advisory teacher Şuayip Orhan, on the other hand, stated the following: “I think it was a very productive seminar. I also get positive feedback from my friends in this direction. I would like to thank everyone who contributed. From now on, we demand such studies from Istanbul Gelisim University.”
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