Standing out with its sustainability studies, Istanbul Gelisim University has published the “Status Report on Sustainability”. In the report published for the first time, the work of IGU, which carries out applications in line with the categories in 17 fields within the scope of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), draws attention.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), advancing with the vision of being a "World University", published the "Sustainable Status Report Objectives, Policies, Actions, Rankings, Researches", which was created to evaluate the status of studies, objectives and policies. IGU, which has given importance to sustainability studies since the day it was founded, included the sustainability studies carried out in 2022 and before in the report.
For a sustainable world, IGU is moving forward with the aim of spreading the perception, values, attitudes and behaviors towards the concept of sustainability. The UK-based, world's leading higher education rating agency Times Higher Education (THE) proved its success in the 2022 ranking. In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, it increased its rank from 24th in 2021 to 16th in 2022 among 1180 world universities in the "Quality Education" category in the Impact Ranking 2022 list. Moreover, it continued to maintain its first place among Turkish universities.
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