Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Applied Sciences, Higher Education Council, has been deemed qualified to be an "Orange Flag" candidate due to the arrangements it made in the category of "Spatial Accessibility" within the scope of the Barrier-Free University Awards Program.
Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Applied Sciences was awarded the "Orange Flag" candidate for the arrangements it made in the "Spatial Accessibility" category at the University Awards, which are given to raise awareness about the accessibility of disabled people to places, educational opportunities and socio-cultural activities. Higher Education Council President Erol Ozvar stated that they work in universities under the titles of "barrier-free accessibility" and ‘’barrier-free education":
“Accessibility is the ability of everyone to reach and use any place and service they want independently and safely. As the Council of Higher Education, the most significant issues we attach importance to are the studies we carry out under the titles of ‘’barrier-free accessibility’’and ‘'barrier-free education’’ in order to eliminate the barriers experienced in the entrance to higher education and in the education process.
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