Istanbul Gelisim University

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Interior design students of Faculty of Fine Arts designed containers for earthquake victims

The "Living Space Design Project in Containers" organized by the Interior Design and Environmental Design (Turkish-English) Departments of Istanbul Gelisim University's (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts was completed through a series of events held between March 17 and April 3, 2023. The process began with an informative meeting held online via Google Meet. After that, it is followed by a jury held online via Google Meet on March 31 and concluded with student submissions on April 3, 2023.

The event "Living Space Design Project in Containers" was jointly organized by the Interior Design Department and the Interior Design and Environmental Design Departments of Istanbul Gelisim University's (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts, with the participation of Safiye Ünal from Nuriş Prefabrik, a leading company in the industry, and the faculty members and students of the Interior Design Departments. The event began with an online informative meeting via Google Meet on March 17, 2023.

After the informative meeting on March 17, 2023, the second step of the process, the "Workshop," began on March 20, 2023 with eight student groups. The design process, which started with the guidance of a consultant from the Interior Design Department and the Interior Design and Environmental Design (Turkish&English) Departments for each student group, continued with the jury held on March 31, 2023.

The jury began with an opening speech by the faculty member of the Interior Design and Environmental Design (Turkish&English) Department, Lect. Selcen Nurcan Keskin Urmak, and continued with a speech by Halil Yektaş from Ender Prefabricated as a representative of the industry. After the informative speech by the Vice Dean of the Interior Design and Environmental Design (Turkish&English) Departments, Asst. Prof. Dr. Parvin Heidari, regarding the event process, representatives of student groups started presenting their projects.

Basic Information About the Considerations in Container Design was given

After a week of design process conducted through online meetings, student groups presented their designs one by one. Ecem Derya and Ömer Kesimoğlu from the group of Lect. Minel Kurtuluş; Beyza Palut from the group of Lect. Büşra Babacan; Sena Ertuğrul from the group of Lect. Enver Tatlısu; Melek Çelik from the group of Lect. İbrahim Erol; Erman Yerlikaya from the group of Asst. Prof. Dr. Lecturer Adem Özer; Yağmursu Akdemir from the group of Lect. Serenay İnceoğlu; Sümeyye Gürsoy from the group of Lect. Selcen Nurcan Keskin Urmak, and Hazal Balıkçı and Ecenur Kut from the group of Asst. Prof  Dr. Parvin Heidari presented their project presentations as representatives of their respective groups. Basic information about the things to be considered in container design was also provided.
Design Stage Completed

As part of the "Container Living Space Design" project aimed at proposing a design proposal for container cities to be established for earthquake victims whose houses were damaged in the February 6 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, each group started the design process with the concept they determined with the support of their advisors. The designs were completed during Google Meet meetings held within the groups for a week. In the final stage of the design process, critical comments were given to the designed projects in the jury. After the projects were finalized according to the criteria, they were submitted on April 3, 2023. The submitted projects are planned to be presented at an exhibition to be held in the coming weeks. In addition, students from the teams will have the opportunity to experience the container production process through a technical visit to be organized by a leading container company that invited them. All students involved in the project will be presented with a participation certificate in their name as a thank you for their efforts.

Intensive Participation of the Students

The jury was held with the intense participation of about 40 students and faculty members from the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department, including Department Chair Asst. Prof. Dr. Parvin Heidari, Department Vice Chairs Assistant Professor Doctor Selcen Nurcan Keskin Urmak and Assistant Professor Doctor Ibrahim Erol, and other faculty members such as Assistant Professor Doctor Adem Özer, Lect. Serenay İnceoğlu, Lecturer Enver Tatlısu, Lecturer Büşra Babacan, and Lecturer Minel Kurtuluş, as well as research assistants Tuğçe Öztürk, Eliz Mutlu, and Mustafa Dallı.

1.       1st Group Hasan Hüseyin Karasu 4th Grade
2.       1st Group Damla Öget 4th Grade
3.       1st Group Sümeyye Hanım Gürsoy 4th Grade
4.       1st Group Mehmet Büyükateş 2nd Grade
5.       2nd Group İbrahim Halil Şeker 4th Grade
6.       2nd Group Gülzade Erbay 4th Grade
7.       2nd Group Melek Çelik 2nd Grade
8.       2nd Group Muhammet Albayrak 2nd Grade
9.       3rd Group Ecem Derya 3th Grade
10.     3rd Group Ömer Kesimoğlu 3th Grade
11.     3rd Group Selin Açıkgöz 3th Grade
12.     3rd Group Hilal İlhan 3th Grade
13.     3rd Group Tuğçe Sena Keskin 3th Grade
14.     5th Group Hazal Balıkçı 3th Grade
15.     5th Group Ecenur Kut 3th Grade
16.     5th Group Zeynep Öztürk 2nd Grade
17.     5th Group Aslı Aksu 2nd Grade
18.     6th Group Nouran Aboulhassan 2nd Grade
19.     6th Group Menna Eissa 2nd Grade
20.     6th Group Sena Ertuğrul 3th Grade
21.     6th Group Reem İbrahim 2nd Grade
22.     7th Group Betül Azra Coşkun 3th Grade
23.     7th Group Yağmursu Akdemir 3th Grade
24.     7th Group Semanur Gümüş 3th Grade
25.     7th Group Aysel Bilgenur Çifdalöz 3th Grade
26.     8th Group Beyza Hacer Palut 2nd Grade
27.     8th Group Gökçe Atiş 2nd Grade
28.     8th Group Fatma Uluğ 2nd Grade
29.     8th Group Merve Nur Acar 2nd Grade
30.     9th Group Erman Yerlikaya 3th Grade
31. 9th Group Semih Alper Avcı 3th Grade
32. 9th Group Batuhan Olçay 3th Grade
33. 9th Group Pınar Şenoğul 3th Grade
34. 9th Group Osman Akkuş 3th Grade

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