Istanbul Gelisim University

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Is artificial intelligence a threat in humanity’s hands?

Many of the technologies shown for the future in the cartoons we watched years ago seemed unattainable. Emphasizing that many technologies that seemed impossible at the end of the previous century are now a part of our lives, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nihal Altuntas stated that no matter how exciting these developments are, the rapid change in life makes it difficult for people to adapt.

Developing technology facilitates the habits of all humanity, the work done in daily life and provides accessibility in many areas. Today, where efficient use of time is of great importance, life has become much easier with smartphones, video online meetings and robot vacuums in many fields from health to business world, from education to the transportation sector. With the rapid development of technology, many concepts such as artificial intelligence, metaverse, robots, virtual reality have entered our lives.

In the process of adaptation to the age of technology, questions arise in people's minds. It is also natural that doubts arise about whether new developments will be good or bad, and therefore people create resistance. Even before artificial intelligence had entered so many homes, it was portrayed as "the archenemy of humanity" in many science fiction movies. Considering the opportunities and conveniences it provides, artificial intelligence has become an indispensable part of life, despite this resistance. Asst. Prof. Dr. Nihal Altuntas, from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Computer Engineering Department indicated, “The reason why technology has entered our lives so fast against conspiracy theories is the "new generation". A father who is introduced to intelligent systems with artificial intelligence as an adult cannot be expected to look at the world from the same side as his son born in the space age. It is inevitable that a brand new technology, which one generation must adapt to, will become the normal of life for a few generations. A 90-year-old man cannot use smartphones as effectively as a 10-year-old child.”


The real question is whether artificial intelligence poses a threat to humanity. Computers do not have the ability to think or reason, however, have artificial intelligence thanks to their computational abilities. In other words, they make decisions that people want by using big data given by people. No intelligent system has the capacity to make a completely different inference by interpreting the information it has in a different way. At the end of the day, everything is in the hands of people and will continue to be so. Expressing that this does not mean that we are completely safe, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nihal Altuntas said, “When we look at world history, we see that the greatest destructions were made by humans. From this point of view,  "the main enemy of humanity" is man himself, and who owns this technology that we need to pay attention to and added that it is of great importance not only to use artificial intelligence systems but also to design them and that young people have a lot of work in this technology race’’. 

Is artificial intelligence a threat in humanity’s hands? Created Date: :   Wednesday, August 3, 2022

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