Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

‘‘Multiengine airplanes are safer and more reliable’’

While the inspections are continued on the accident where two pilots lost their lives as a result of the a single-engine airplane crash within the close proximity of the Yunuseli Airport of Bursa, the Academic Member Dr. R. Haluk Kul from the Istanbul Gelişim University made evaluations about the airplane crashes.

The Academic Member Dr. R. Haluk Kul, who emphasized that the reason for the preference of the single-engine airplanes at the beginning stages of the pilot training has been the fact that they require lesser skill and equipment, has indicated that the multi-engine airplanes were more reliable and safer in the airplane incidents that may occur in the applications.


The Academic Member Dr. R. Haluk Kul of the Department of the Airplane/Aircraft maintenance and Repair of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the Istanbul Gelişim University emphasized that it would not be correct to make an evaluation under the circumstances where no direct data were acquired, after the accidents, occurred in the air vehicles. Mr. Kul commented as follows: 
‘‘An average number of 14 accidents involving death occur annually within the civil aviation activities. An approximate number of 350 persons lose their lives in these accidents. It is possible to list tens of reasons causing such accidents, however, the statistics in general meaning show the accidents where the highest numbers of deaths occurred between the years of 2005-2014 as follows;

  • Loss of control in flight caused the loss of 1706 lives,
  • Land-controlled flight caused the loss of 804 lives, and
  • Skidding off the runway at the take-offs and landings, however, 771 lives.‘’

It is seen that the accidents occur only in 3 among every millions of flights worldwide within the civil aviation activities. Mr. Kul, who indicated that the training flights also take place among the foregoing accidents, said that the reason for the use of single-engine airplane at the beginning stages of piloting trainings was that the said airplanes could be used with less knowledge and skill. However, in case of an engine failure or trouble, it may be possible to realize safer flights with the multi-engine airplanes.

The Academic Member Dr. R. Haluk Kul, who indicated that the investigations pertaining to the accidents by the aviation vehicles, do not have a penal scope, further emphasized that the possibility for the stakeholders to indicate the process with the utmost clarity without being scared of getting penalty in those of investigations and the effect of the same on the process appeared to be significantly important for the further development of the aviation safety.

‘‘Multiengine airplanes are safer and more reliable’’ Created Date: :   Tuesday, April 26, 2022

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