A project cooperation meeting was held by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) and Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU). It was shared that the projects are about energy saving, water saving, children's playgrounds, encouragement of young people to sports, irrigation systems, homeless and disabled people.
Istanbul Gelisim University Deputy of Foreign Relations Coordinator, Asst. Prof. Dr. Fırat Demirkol, from Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FEA) Civil Engineering (English), Asst. Prof. Dr. Burak Toydemir and Dean of Students Lect. İbrahim Halil Yaşar and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) European Union Relations Manager Dr. Ali Doğanay and Deputy Director Egemen Gökgöz came together for international project collaborations. During the meeting held at the university, opinions were shared on EU project applications and future planning that IBB and IGU will carry out together.
Within the scope of TUBITAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects ...
Istanbul Gelisim Vocational School (IGMYO) students have developed an innov...