Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Recommendations for prospective students to take YKS

Giving suggestions to prospective students who will take the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS), Educator Abdülkadir Gayretli said: “If we are successful in anxiety management and send positive signals to our brain, we can solve questions with an open mind during the exam. It should not be disturbed the brain chemistry with conditions such as “I need to, I have to”. We can overcome stress and anxiety by managing brain chemistry well.”


Indicating that students should be ready mentally and well-informed for Higher Education Institutions Exam, Istanbul Gelisim University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Abdülkadir Gayretli said: “When the body perceives a threat or as a result of a great arousal, it exhibits a "fight or run" situation. As a result, symptoms such as stomach contraction, hand/foot cooling, sweating, and low blood sugar. Adrenaline is released and the mind is opened, but even if this takes a long time, our energy stores get empty. It is at this very moment that we need to activate our parasympathetic nervous system. Because it provides relief and repairs the body. However, this system always waits for orders from the brain. Therefore, if we are successful in anxiety management and send positive signals to our brain, we can solve questions with an open mind during the exam. It should not be disturbed the brain chemistry with conditions such as “I need to, I have to”. We can overcome stress and anxiety by managing brain chemistry well.”


Reminding that all necessary coronavirus precautions will be taken in the exam and detailed cleaning of the exam buildings before the exam will be done and they will be disinfected, Gayretli said: “In every session of YKS, the officers will distribute masks and disinfectants to the prospective students at the entrance of the exam building within the scope of coronavirus measures. Students can come with their own disinfectants, masks and visors. Latex gloves will be distributed to the examiners along with the mask and disinfectant. You will be able to remove your masks during the exam in line with the recommendation of the Scientific Committee. Try to minimize your anxiety and focus only on the exam.”


Reminding that the prospective students will be responsible in YKS for the subjects they are trained face-to-face, he stated: "The questions from the second semester topics of the 12th grade will not be asked.” Gayretli spoke as follows:
“The effect of this situation will be mostly on AYT, as there is already a curriculum that mainly includes 9th grade subjects in the TYT session. Although the change in exam date creates a problem of focusing, this will ensure that students do not face a situation such as not being able to know subjects. This situation created some differences in the graduation procedures of 12th grade students. In the 2019 - 2020 academic year, first semester grades will be valid for graduation. The final grade will be determined by the grades taken in the first semester. Students with a year-end success score of 50 will be able to pass directly. 12th grade students who are required to pass will be able to get a diploma and graduate. Having 12th grade students having failed or courses to be needed to retake will not be an obstacle for them to enter YKS. In this case, students who have enrolled in the university will have the right to submit their diplomas of which they studied until the end of December to the higher education institution. Secondary education achievement scores of 12th grade students, final grades for 9th, 10th, 11th and the first semester of 12th grades will be created by calculating the arithmetic average.”


Reminding that the time given for the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT), as required by the decision of CoHE, was increased to 165 minutes by adding another 30 minutes only for this year, Gayretli continued as follows: “This exam is a ranking exam, so students who mark the correct answer as soon as possible get a high score in this exam. For those who do not have a shortage of time, although the competitors seem to be a bit of a disadvantage when evaluated, the prospective students will have the opportunity to solve and control the questions more calmly. Students who have difficulty in meeting the time will be positively affected by this situation. However, this situation will not make any gap differences. When we examine the average graphics of 2018 and 2019 for TYT Turkey, we see that the most correct answers are given to Turkish Language and Social Sciences tests. But in Mathematics and Science tests are moving in a similar graphic both years and an average of Turkey is emerging as 2 net. Distribution of correct answers may mean a little more diversified for average in Turkey. Of course, the degree of difficulty of the exam will be of great importance. For this reason, all the tests in the TYT need to be solved.”


Stating that more prospective students can choose undergraduate programs with the threshold set as 170 in the related score type which was 180, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Gelisim University Abdülkadir Gayretli said: “This is estimated to be around 112 thousand to 95 thousand prospective students. However, the mass that will be affected by the change of the dam will be the students who have a dam problem in the AYT (Field Proficiency Test) session of the exam.”


Calling the families of YKS prospective students, Gayretli said: "Do not wait in the school yard and entrance after you leave your children to prevent clutter in the school gardens and maintain social distance." Expressing that it is necessary to be ready at the exam building at least 1 hour and 15 minutes before the exam time, Gayretli warned: “Don't forget to take your Identity Card with you”. 

Recommendations for prospective students to take YKS Created Date: :   Thursday, June 25, 2020

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