Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

School report is not children’s identity

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevcan Karakoç Demirkaya addressed the families and said that the school report is not a test that measures the child's intelligence. Assoc. Dr. Demirkaya said that children's abilities should be determined and children should be guided accordingly and warned us about keeping in mind that school reports are not the children's identity or personality.

It is a fact that there are school reports with low marks as well as those with good and high grades and with success certificates. A bad report can lead to crisis, frustration and serious conflict in the family while a good report is a source of pride for the children and their family. Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevcan Karakoç Demirkaya from Istanbul Gelisim University warned and gave important suggestions to families about how to treat in the school reports.
Saying that families should not forget that the report is not the identity of the child, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevcan Karakoç Demirkaya said: “The report is a document where only academic skills are measured according to the conditions of that period. School report with low grades do not indicate that your child is backward or that he or she will always fail. Therefore, it is important to approach calm and cool.”


Stating that the school report is not a test that measures the child's intelligence, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevcan Karakoç Demirkaya said: “The first report is a document that evaluates the situation of the child at school in the first semester. If there are unsuccessful courses, it will help the family to see those marks and take measures to prepare their children for the second term. When failure is known or the reasons for the failure of the course are understood and the problems are solved, the 2nd semester course grades may go better. Most importantly, it can be understood if there is an obstacle with the child's learning. Semester break is the opportunity for this. Do not get angry with your child due to low grades.”


Demirkaya stating that there may be many reasons for school failure: said: “These may be a child's lack of attention, exam anxiety, or learning problems. Parents may not have provided a suitable working environment for their children and did not follow the school program. Being overly interested and ambitious parents may cause anxiety for the child, and not being interested in the homework and grades of the families may cause aimlessness and low motivation in the child. Therefore family attitudes are very important. In addition, incorrect teaching methods in the education system, crowded classes and constantly changing exam systems can also cause failure and low report card.”


Demirkaya advising parents of the childern with low grades on how to treat their children, said the following: “Again, the report card is not an indication of intelligence or personality. It is the measure of how much of the information related to the subjects taught during that period is shown in the exams and class behaviors that assimilate and evaluate it. For this reason, it is the duty of the families to be calm against a report card with low grades. Saying offensive remarks to the child, emotional and physical abuse, resentment, redness, and punishment of an intermediate holiday are not appropriate approaches. Understand and make your child feel it. They should investigate and share the reasons for failure with the child. The child, endorsed and supported by his / her parents, will strive to be more diligent and successful. In addition, even if bad scores have come to the report card, the success of the child in good or other extracurricular areas, if any, should at least be supported by efforts and reinforced with appropriate rewards without delay.”
Demirkaya emphasizing that the constructive attitude of the family will support the child's psychological well-being and increase the confidence of the child in the family, said: “Communication in the family is strengthened. The child, endorsed and supported by his / her parents, will strive to be more diligent and successful.”


Assoc. Dr. Sevcan Karakoç Demirkaya warned families not to compare their children with other children and said: “The child should not be compared to the success of other friends or siblings. Each child is a separate individual with physical, social and mental development, each child is unique. The report card is not the identity of the child. Expectations from the child should be in this direction. The underlying reasons for the recovery of an unsuccessful period must be reviewed. With the help of individual education support appropriate to the learning and perception of the child, the evaluation and treatment of the child psychiatrist for the psychological condition, and the participation of the family, your child can climb the success ladder slowly but surely.”


Abdulkadir Gayretli, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Istanbul Gelisim University, said that the family should have a goal before the child:
“The child needs to see goals that can set an example by the family. It is important that family members also have goals. The family should determine the target of the child together with the child and talk. Children must be always supported setting achievable goals and family goals. Education plays an important role in goal setting. The talents of children should be determined and guided in according to their abilities.”

School report is not children’s identity Created Date: :   Friday, January 17, 2020

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