The Orthodontist, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Oğuz Öztoprak, of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Istanbul Gelisim University, when wisdom teeth are not pulled out, serious muscle problems may come out. In the event that the covered wisdom teeth do not come out, it may put pressure on other teeth and cause unevenness.
Most of us have had problems with the wisdom teeth. Especially the unevenness, created by the wisdom teeth, reveals themselves in many people by the use of dental braces. The Orthodontist, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Oğuz Öztoprak, of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Istanbul Gelisim University, who indicated that the unevenness was not only caused by the wisdom teeth, indicated as follows:
‘‘The researches that were carried out by the well-known Orthodontist, Raymond Begg in 1950s on previous (ancient) people and Australian native people show that the teeth are bended more while chewing rough and fibrous food and as a consequence, there occur a cavity between the teeth as a result of the abrasion between two teeth. By this means, the wisdom teeth coming behind can come out easily. However, the fabricated foods that we consume at current period such as soft bread, meat that is cooked at the pressure cooker or cream cheeses do not make our teeth work. Namely, a buffer duty is not required any longer on our teeth. Therefore, the teeth cannot rub themselves against each other and abraded and no room is left for the wisdom teeth.’’.
Our teeth create uneven digestion and chewing disorders. Proper chewing is substantially important for proper grinding. In the event that the covered wisdom teeth do not come out, it may put pressure on other teeth and cause unevenness. When wisdom teeth are not pulled out, serious muscle problems may come out. Furthermore, under the circumstances where the teeth that cannot come out or come out half way through give harm to the neighbouring teeth or cause bad smell as a result of food remains and create cyst on the bone, the oral surgery specialist rightfully want to pull out these teeth.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Oğuz Öztoprak emphasized that it was necessary to visit a dentist on definite basis in advance of the occurrence of any pain or abscess for the wisdom teeth that come forth with unexpected swelling, abscess or inflammation.
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