Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Stem cell therapy can be effective even in advanced calcification

The most important causes of muscle and joint diseases are trauma ie hit, inflammation and infectious diseases. In recent years, the stem cell method is used as an effective treatment for muscle and joint diseases. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydın Arslan from Istanbul Gelisim University stated that stem cell therapy can be used even in patients with advanced calcification.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydın Arslan stating that everything that causes wear and tear in the muscles and joints and stimulation of pain receptors causes pain said: “It usually causes trauma, infectious diseases, and inflammation musculoskeletal pain. These pains often occur as a result of calcification that develops after age, genetic causes, weight gain or injuries. Sometimes pain can be caused by diseases of the nerve tissues. Even psychological disorders are known to cause pain in the musculoskeletal system without any organic cause. In addition to the above, the musculoskeletal system has painful conditions in the deficiencies of the minerals in our body.”


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydın Arslan said, “Anything that causes muscle wear and joints and stimulation of pain receptors can cause pain. It usually causes trauma, infectious diseases and inflammation (inflammation) musculoskeletal pain. These pains often occur as a result of calcification that develops after age, genetic causes, weight gain or injuries. Sometimes pain can be caused by diseases of the nerve tissues. Even psychological disorders are known to cause pain in the musculoskeletal system without any organic cause. In addition to these, the musculoskeletal system has painful conditions in the deficiencies of the minerals in our body.”


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydın Arslan stated that it is essential to perform a good physical examination and to take a history of disease for muscle and joint pain. Arslan stressed that the diagnosis of the disease should be fully established for an effective treatment, and made statemenst as follows: “It should be borne in mind that pain is actually a signal like a fire alarm, so it is our main goal to eliminate the disease that causes the pain rather than treat it. As a result, pain-causing diseases can range from simple muscle fatigue to very malignant cancers. After determining the disease causing pain, our primary goal is to treat the disease with natural methods and even without medication. The first thing to do in natural treatment methods is to eliminate any causative agent. Examples of these natural treatment methods include vitamins and mineral supplements with life modifications such as preventing weight problems, interrupting if there is a sports activity, changing or alleviating the work if the patient is doing heavy work, providing nutrition and sleep order, reducing stress. A suitable exercise program can then be started. In addition to these treatments, combination of PRP, prolotherapy, stem cell injection and intraarticular injections can be applied together with hot and cold compresses for pain control and pain relievers with low side effects if pain control is not achieved. Treatment processes are specific to each patient.”

Arslan added: “While some patients can be cured with only a precautionary measure, some patients benefit from the injection treatments listed above. In case of a metabolic or rheumatologic disease in musculoskeletal pain that cannot be controlled by natural methods, appropriate drug treatments should be planned and in cases that require surgery, damaged tissues should be treated with closed or open surgeries. Sometimes even prosthetic surgeries can be applied.”


Arslan stated that stem cells are miraculous cells that have the potential to be transformed into other tissues and provide healing in damaged tissue, and continued as follows:

“It is found in bone marrow and fatty tissue in our body. With the advancement of technology, stem cell therapy is now used frequently in diseases affecting musculoskeletal system. Muscle and joint diseases in which stem cell therapy is applied; musculoskeletal injuries, tendinitis, meniscal tears, ligament lesions, calcifications, waist, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, wrist and all other joint diseases can be counted as heel spurs. Even in advanced knee calcification, pain reduction can be achieved with stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy can be used in addition to fracture and arthroscopic surgeries.”


Stating that stem cell therapy is performed by surgeons, bone marrow aspiration or the most common methods are applied in the form of fat aspiration from the abdominal region Faculty Member of Istanbul Gelisim University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydın Arslan added: “Both procedures must be performed under sterile conditions. Generally, the patient is not anesthetized and local anesthesia is applied. In stem cell treatment, there are two different application methods in which the stem cells are prepared and applied immediately in fresh form or sent to the laboratory and injected to the damaged tissue in a second session, usually multiplied every 2 weeks. However, because of finacial problems, discussions of efficacy and ethical rules, it is more preferable method to be taken from bone marrow or fatty tissue and passed through various processes and prepared during the procedure in the same session. The patient can walk immediately after the procedure and go home on the same day.”


Arslan said: “The main thing in stem cell therapies is to diagnose the disease and to tell the patient what to expect. In recent years, there have been great improvements in stem cell therapies and stem cell therapies are being applied more widely. Successful results are reported in recent scientific studies. As a result, if the surgeon is convinced that the patient will benefit from stem cell therapy, the chance of success is very high.

Stem cell therapy can be effective even in advanced calcification Created Date: :   Thursday, December 26, 2019

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