Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

TAYF International Short-Film Festival begins

The activities of the TAYF International Short-Film Festival that will be held between the dates of February 24-27 and is supported by the General Directorate of Cinema of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and movie screenings, consisted of 39 finalist films, take a start.

The activities of the TAYF International Short-Film Festival that will be held between the dates of February 24-27 and is supported by the General Directorate of Cinema of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and chaired by the Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak AYDINALP, who is the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Istanbul Gelişim University, and directed by the Associate Prof. Dr. Nagihan Çakar Bikiç, who is the Head of the Communication and Design Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Istanbul Gelisim University and managed by the Lecturer Ahmet Bikiç and Academic Member Dr. Emre Doğan, and movie screenings, consisted of 39 finalist films, take a start.

Various exhibitions, conversations/interviews, workshops and activities take place in the program of the TAYF International Short-Film Festival due to continue with a period of 3 days. The festival due to appear before the moviegoers on the first day with the interview of ‘’Trip of an Actress: Hande Kaptan” will meet with its guests through the interviews such as “Authorship and Broadcasting Workshop” due to be realized by the Author Esra Algan on the second day and furthermore, ‘’The ABC of Acting in Series” where Furkan Aksoy will attend in as a guest, and “Who Is a Producer? What a Producer Does? How To Become a Producer’' where Cemal Okan will take part in as a guest. The festival will complete its program on February 26, 2022 that is the third and last day of it with the interviews and workshops, titled as “Acting from the Art Movies to the Series” where Melih Selçuk will take part as a Guest and in the meantime, “A Woman Director/ Director of Cinematography at (Movie) Sets” where Cansu Boğuşlu will appear as a guest, and “Vitrail Production Workshop” due to be organized by İdil Dülgar. The exhibition of İsmail Acar, who is one of the doyen figures of the modern Turkish painting, will meet the guests at the premiere (gala) night due to be held on February 27, 2022 Sunday.

In addition to all these, the TAYF International Short-Film Festival that plans to meet the viewers with a number of 39 films that are specific from each other and will compete in the fiction, documentary, experimental and animation categories carry the films of various numbers of successful producers from numerous countries of the world on the screen. The film of Doug Roland having been the Oscar Awards finalist, Feeling Through, and multi-rewarded film of the Brazilian producer, Leonardo Martinelli, The Pleasure of Killing Bugs, and one of the most successful French-produced animation films of this year, The Seine’s Tears, and the film of Sami Morhayim that has attracted significant attention with the prizes, awarded therewith, Susam, take place among the works taking place at the anthology.

The prizes will be awarded to the winners through a ceremony due to be held at the Hotel Four Seasons on the date of February 27, 2022 following the movie screening that will continue for a period of 3 days at the TAYF International Short-Film Festival.

TAYF International Short-Film Festival begins Created Date: :   Thursday, February 24, 2022

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