The first example of "Highlights", where Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Fine Arts brings together the activities carried out between 2021-2023, was designed and published at the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA) brought together all the activities and academic studies that took place within the university between the years 2021-2023 for "Highlights". The "Highlights", the first example of which was made at the Faculty of Fine Arts and which includes the activities and academic studies carried out within the university in the years 2021-2023, consists of 112 pages. Highlights, which started with the foreword of the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp, includes brief introductions to the academic staff of the university and the departments of the Faculty of Fine Arts. Then, under the title of Research Areas; Academic Studies, Research Projects, Awards & Selections, Student Awards and Selections, Documentaries, Infrastructure, Academic Achievements, Activities, Social Responsibility Projects, Festivals, Workshops, Panels, Seminars and Symposiums, Interviews, Curated Works by Faculty Members, Exhibitions, Solo Exhibitions, Student Exhibitions, Innovative Courses, Sustainability in Fine Arts, Eco Curriculum are included. Moreover, articles from the graduates of the Faculty of Fine Arts, in which they talked about their thoughts about the University and its departments, as well as their contributions to their professional life, came together under the title of From Alumni. Papers published within the University, Student Handbooks, Publications, Bulletins and the University's Social Media Accounts were also included in the content. Compiled under the leadership of the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp, Highlights was designed by Res. Asst. Ceren İren, from the Graphic Design Department, Res. Asst. Dilara Mataracı; its content and editorship was undertaken by Res. Asst. Bengisu Cansever from the Department of Communication and Design and Res. Asst. Eliz Mutlu from the Department of Interior Architecture, and its English translation was carried out by Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı.
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