In our country, where energy efficiency has become a necessity, many measures can be taken individually in our living spaces. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ekrem Süzen from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) discussed ways to pay less for natural gas and electricity this winter.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ekrem Suzen: “The most significant precaution to be taken in order to achieve savings in the heating area is to insulate the living spaces. Among the individual measures that can be taken on energy efficiency are the use of natural gas and electricity. Winter is coming. Most of the houses are uninsulated. Insulation should be done in order to save on heating. Roofs, windows and exterior walls are the places where heat loss is experienced the most. Replacing these places with insulated materials can save up to 30%.”
The boiler setting should be kept at the lowest level when you are not at home. There is approximately 10 liters of water in 1 meter of tulle of radiators. In cases where there are 5 radiators in a house, approximately 50 liters of water must be heated. If the combi boiler is not turned off during the day when individuals are not at home, energy savings can be achieved.
Another precaution taken for natural gas is the use of thermostatic valves on the radiator.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ekrem Suzen stated: ‘’Thermostatic valves play an important role in equalizing the heat distribution. These valves prevent the boiler from being activated frequently. Thus, it provides approximately 15% savings. Moreover, thanks to the value adjusted to 1 degree lower temperature in the thermostatic valve, approximately 6-7% natural gas savings can be achieved.
Another saving issue is electricity consumption. Especially when the combi boiler is operating, there is an increase in the electricity bill. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ekrem Suzen emphasized that the following should be done in order to save electricity in living spaces:
- When purchasing electrical appliances, attention should be paid to the energy efficiency statements on the products. Class A power tools should be preferred.
- Even if the power button is not turned on, products such as chargers, plugged-in televisions, kitchen appliances, music systems that are left in the sockets consume electricity. Hence, unused but still plugged-in devices must be pulled out of the socket.
- New generation lighting with low energy consumption but high luminous intensity such as LED should be used.
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