The way to have a company structure that could be ready for future period and produce solution for the problems that may come forth thereunder goes through the use of the employment of the workforce at the right place and right time. At this point, it is an object of curiosity how the new labour force ecosystem, constituted by the use of outsource, will affect the company’s employees. Here is the proposal from its expert for the use of effective labour force.
The Academic Member Dr. Ece Zeybek Yılmaz of the the customs Management Department of the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences of Istanbul Gelisim University indicated that the employees were converted into collaborators, who could be used as a matter of fact as brainpower at enterprises and the outsourced became an important part of the labour force.
According to the result of the researches of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Deloitte, 87 % of the executive managers and employees brought forth the fact that they regard the outsource as a part of the labour force. While the use of outsource in the past years as seasonal employees, the service providers, application developers or contractors have been included in the use of outsource as well. The Academic Member Dr. Ece Zeybek Yılmaz, who emphasized that the procurement of the labour force externally did have only the objective of bringing down the cost of personnel, indicated as follows:
‘’Notwithstanding that the use of outsource in the field of information technologies has been prevalent, the use of outsource at various departments such as finance, human resources, R&D and so on, gained importance more especially after the global Covid-19 epidemic. Thus, the persons, who are in different geographies and different talents, could work more effectively in more than one enterprise and especially at project-based works of definite duration. This circumstance both increases the quality of the work so made on the one hand and brings substantial proceeds for the employer from the point of view of the cost.’’
Notwithstanding that the development of organizational culture and non-determination of the principles of the legal rights of the employees yet are regarded as a disadvantage, the latest changes in the work life made it necessary for the managers to make improvement on how they would manage the internal and external (outsource) labour force of the enterprises. In this context, it becomes necessary either to make the employees become a supplementary for the outsources or to manage both labour forces independent from, however, parallel to each other. Therefore, the correct determination of the corporate limits, development of an integral approach through a proper definition of the contribution of internal and external labour force turn out to be important.
Dr. Ece Zeybek Yılmaz, who indicated that both the prevalence of the remote working on global point of view and more dynamic position of the new generation and tendency of the same to manage the works on remote basis, indicated that the ‘’labour force ecosystem’’ approach would bring forth strategic and in the long run, positive results .
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