Istanbul Gelisim University

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Tips for taking appetizing food photos in 7 steps!

Along with the entrance of social media and smartphones into our lives, we have met many new professions. One of them is “Food Photography and Stylist”. Asst. Prof. Dr. Cagla Kaya Ilhan touched upon the technical details that should be considered while taking food photos.

We often come across pictures of eye-catching and appetizing food on social media. Businesses increase their customer potential by working with “Food Photographer and Stylist”, sharing their presentations on social media and appealing to wider audiences. Many people also share their own cooking on social media with their own style and presentation. With the rapid expansion of the food and beverage industry and the introduction of social media into our lives, users are introduced to new definitions and professions every day.


Food photographers create art with their delicious food photos. Asst. Prof. Dr. Cagla Kaya Ilhan, from Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Applied Sciences Department of New Media and Communication, stated, “Food Photographers and Stylists create art beyond making consumers' appetites whetted by just looking at the photo or video of the food without tasting or smelling the food. Food stylists who prepare food for photography with various tools and accessories need to pay attention to various techniques such as color harmony and composition. In this case, food stylists use not only edible but also inedible tools such as glue and paint when preparing the food to be photographed.”

Asst. Prof. Dr. Cagla Kaya Ilhan indicated there are technical details that need attention in food photography and styling. Here are tips:

  1. The food to be photographed must have a fresh appearance
The food to be photographed should look natural and fresh, and should not have any stains or rot on it.
  1.  The food stylist must have a plan
Setting a composition is key. That is why food stylists need to set a plan before preparing food for the shoot.
  1. There should not be any distracting elements in the background
There should not be any objects in the background that will disturb the integrity of the composition and distract attention. In addition, the photographer can use his/her imagination to use substrates such as wood and wood that are compatible with the food s/he will be shooting.
  1. Natural light should be used as much as possible during shooting
Correct use and adjustment of light are of great importance. Trying to benefit from daylight as much as possible instead of lamps with artificial light sources such as fluorescents gives a higher quality appearance to the photograph.
  1. Shooting angle should be determined
The most significant step is that the surface in the photo is clean. Another detail is to ensure that the ingredients of the food to be photographed are visible to users.
  1. Be fast while shooting
Food prepared for shooting will begin to deteriorate rapidly. For this reason, it is of great importance that the shooting takes place within a maximum of two minutes.
  1. Post-production phase after shooting should not be forgotten
After photographing the food, necessary revisions must be made through some photo editing programs.

Tips for taking appetizing food photos in 7 steps! Created Date: :   Tuesday, September 6, 2022

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