Just a few days before February 14 (St. Valentine’s Day), the Academic Member Dr. Eda Mezda of the Istanbul Gelisim University, who evaluated the campaign of the well-known brands using the motto of “Your Sweetheart is worth of such a gift”, the “target group are directed to purchase high-priced products.”
Just a few days before February 14 (St. Valentine’s Day), it was started to experience an increase in advertisements motivating the sentiments of consumers. According to the explanations, made by the Association of the Turkish Brands, an increase of 30 % is expected in retail sales within the week of the St. Valentine’s Day. It is also expected that the highest interest will again focus on flowers, jewelleries and restaurants as used to be in previous years.
The Academic Member, Dr. Eda Mezda of the Department of Advertising of the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences of the Istanbul Gelisim University, who evaluated the campaign of the well-known brands having the motto of “Your Sweetheart is worth of such a gift”, indicated as follows: “the target group is directed to buy high-priced products at the advertisements that try to determine a material consideration to the value, attributed to the lover. The brands trying to give the message of “It is worth of paying this price for the person you love!” persuade you to pay the prices that you will never pay normally. It is necessary for the buyers or customers not to fall in this trap.”
The Academic Member Dr. Eda Mezda, who indicated that the brands made advertisement that will affect the buyers through the use of this method, titled as “emotional strategy” at the advertising, on the St. Valentine’s Day, as has been in all special days, said that: “It is tried to set up an emotional tie with the buyer groups rather than emphasizing the qualities and advantages of the product/brand in order to persuade them to go ahead with buying. Generally, the reactions that the potential customers may like to see it the persons they love are reflected into advertisement scenarios and the behaviour or act of giving gift is idealized and by doing so, the purchase of products by the customers is achieved. In brief, the act of buying at this point is formed up not as a result of an intellectual process but rather an emotional type.”
The individuals, who want to express their emotions with gifts, headed towards shopping in advance of 14th of February. The purchasers, who wanted to take advantage of special campaigns specific for the St. Valentine’s Day as a result of promotions that are made by the (well-known) brands, come face to face with difficulties of making decisions among various numbers of alternatives ranging from eye-catching bunches of flowers up to restaurants, from up-to-date electronics up to precious jewelleries. According to the estimation of the Association of the United Brands, the jewellery items, electronic products as well as cosmetic products will be on sale at most this year once again.
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