Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Why family participance in distant education is so important?

Indicating that family participance in distant education is very imortant Asst. Prof. Dr. Derya Kavgaoğlu said: “Supporting the parent is the best way of supporting the child.”

Asst. Prof Dr.Derya Kavgaoğlu made statements about the importance of family participation in distance education. Drawing attention to the importance of collective effect in preventing learning losses, Asst. Prof Dr. Derya Kavgaoğlu from Istanbul Gelisim University said, “Especially the organization of financial resources and the lack of physical infrastructure require political and socio-economic intervention. The ethical and social responsibility that policy makers, universities, especially education faculties, project coordinators and capital owners will feel, their cooperation for social benefit will add value and strength to the development processes.”


Making recommendations for minimizing learning losses, Kavgaoğlu said, “There are points where students in the position of final consumers, teachers who interact with them, and most importantly, families can directly intervene in the system within their sphere of influence. “Family participation”, which can be defined as a set of activities organized for parents to support the education and development of their children, plays a critical role at this point. Because such participation requires the conscious involvement of the family in the education of the child and is a process that maximizes the benefit of all education stakeholders, especially the child. Especially after the pandemic, such social support is essential for basic education students who have not yet gained internal control but experience virtual classrooms.”


Emphasizing that supporting the parents is the best way to support the child, Kavgaoğlu said, “Supportive relationships become important during primary education. For this reason, educational institutions should consider the impact of families on children. Recent studies show that the learning associated with emotions is more permanent and effective. In this sense, alternative family members such as grandmothers and grandfathers with whom children share happily in extended families that we still encounter frequently today can be supported as part of this development. Teachers can often include family participation activities in order to ensure family-school cooperation. Continuity between school and home can be promoted to increase children's positive learning experiences. Digital orientation programs can be designed, interactive digital family guidance can be provided, and academic and socially supportive digital platforms can be used to bring together the educational institution-teacher-family and child.”

Kavgaoğlu continued as follows:

“The family, socio-cultural environment the child is in is included in his immediate development area. Proximal development area is the difference between the child's current mindset in problem solving and the mind structure that he / she reaches with help. The child's communication with the adult (family) in this area of immediate development and the qualified assistance they will receive will enable them to achieve much more than their performance alone.”

Why family participance in distant education is so important? Created Date: :   Wednesday, September 30, 2020

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