Within the scope of the “Sustainable Volunteering Day” organized by the Alumni-Members Coordinatorship and Career Development Center of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), executives working in non-governmental organizations met with students and graduates. Information was given to students and graduates at the stands set up by non-governmental organizations.
“Sustainable Volunteering Day” was held by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Alumni-Members Coordinatorship and Career Development Center. Executives of prominent non-governmental organizations such as ICF Turkey, ‘’İyiliğe Uçanlar’’, ‘’Sosyal Ben’’, ‘’Basic Needs Association (TİDER)’’, TEMA (The Turkish Foundation for Combating Erosion Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats), ‘’Sağlık İçin Hareket ve Değişim Liderleri’’ participated.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), which works towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, brought together the managers of Turkey's prominent non-governmental organizations, students and alumni as part of the "Sustainable Volunteering Day". Nil Tibukoglu, General Manager of the Basic Needs Association (TİDER) gave information about both volunteering and what needs to be done for sustainability. She stated the following: “We are an association that fights waste and poverty. We bring waste products to those in need. 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year in the world. These can be used in energy, however, it goes to waste. Planned production should be done to prevent waste. Awareness should be raised by reducing production. If we cannot reuse something, we should recycle it.”
Sema Basol, Founder of the DLD Association stated the following: “We are moving forward with the aim of raising young women who know themselves and are sensitive to the problems of society. Our association works towards the 17 goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We support young women who find solutions to the problems around them and who want to participate in social responsibility projects.” Sinem Güldal, founder of the ‘’İyiliğe Uçanlar’’ Association indicated: “We are an association based on volunteerism and we work for disadvantaged children between the ages of 5-15. We have high hopes for young people and we have a lot to do together. We want to carry out social responsibility projects with the aviation clubs of universities.” Arif Gürel, on the other hand, Deputy Head of TEMA Organization and Field Management Department said: Our main activities in the last period are the climate crisis. We invite everyone to volunteer to improve nature, air and quality of life.
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