The book titled "Integrated Marketing Communication in the Context of Global Brands" and prepared under the editorship of Asst. Prof. Dr. Sarp Bağcan hass been published.
The book "Integrated Marketing Communication in the Context of Global Brands", in which the basic components of marketing communication are explained by exemplifying how global brands are used, and how a global brand spread over two hundred countries establishes a communication strategy, has met with its readers.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sarp Bağcan, expresses the following statements in the preface of the book;
“Marketing communication and integrated marketing communication, which makes marketing communication easier to define and implement it more systematically, are very important concepts. Since either we know that a brand has been popular for years or we suddenly see a brand enter our lives. We have different brands, products and services on different shelves in our minds. We take them them from the shelves in case of request and need. Moreover, we are not alone, millions or even a few billions of people experience this situation, from our closest surroundings to the remotest parts of the world that we do not know. They also have similar things on their mind shelves, different ones too. Who puts these on mind shelves around the world? This book is a kind of journey of trying to understand them. We tried to explain how global brands convey themselves to billions of people around the world.”
In this context, the book examines important examples from the global brand lists of structures that work on brands such as Interbrand, BrandZ and Deloitte on a global scale.
The chapters of the book, to which Asst. Prof. Dr. Sarp Bağcan contributed as an author and also Asst. Prof. Dr. Adnan Duygun, Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülsüm Vezir Oğuz, Asst. Prof. Dr. Emel Tozlu Öztay, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ebru Nergiz and Asst. Prof. Dr. Sezgin Savaş from Istanbul Gelisim University, and Asst. Prof. Dr. İpek Okkay and Asst. Prof. Dr. Saadet Uğurlu from other universities contributed, are listed as follows:
• Examining Global Brands in the Context of Global Communication Strategy and Advertisements: The Case of Coca Cola and China
• Examining the Importance of Event Management Components in Public Relations for Luxury Consumption in the Context of Global Brands: A Qualitative Research Example
• Comparison of Global and Local Advertisements of Global Brands: Vodafone and Lay's Examples
• Analysis of Sales Development Activities of Global Brands in the E-Retail Sector: Amazon and Alibaba Examples
• Direct Marketing in Global Brands: The Example of Instagram and Facebook
• Personal Selling in the Context of Global Brands: Examples of Coca Cola and Nestle
• Global Brands and Trends in the Post Corona Period
• Use of Artificial Intelligence in Data-Based Integrated Marketing Communications and Digital Workforce Management
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