Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim Announcement

Applications for TEKNOFEST 2024 Technology Competitions Continue!

Applications continue for technology competitions within the scope of TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival, which is organized under the main leadership of the T. R. Ministry of Industry and Technology and the Turkish Technology Team Foundation (T3 Foundation) and with the support of Turkey's leading technology companies, public institutions, media organizations and universities.

At TEKNOFEST 2024, where the world's largest technology competitions will be held and a total of 85 million TL of awards and material support will be given, competitions will be held in 46 main categories and 117 sub-categories this year.

Applications for the TEKNOFEST 2024 technology competitions to be held in Adana will continue until February 20, 2024.

Click here for detailed information and participate in the application process.

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