Istanbul Gelisim University



In Istanbul Gelişim University, there are canteens and cafeterias that provide socialization on campus life to meet the nutritional and recreational needs of the students.

In these cafeterias, there are a la carte menus as well as table d'hote menus in morning breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can taste the rich aroma of coffee, sandwiches, and cakes in the café next to the student cafeteria. There are two students' canteens, serving poultry, pastries, toast varieties, dessert, salad varieties and chicken pilaf in faculties region. Apart from these, there is also a portable caravan restaurant that offers our students a variety of outdoor dining options.

In addition, the IGU cafeteria serves students with plenty of daily and fresh meals in the campus life.

All of our nutrition points are provided to our students in accordance with their budget, quality and daily calorie needs. All the nutrition points of the campus are constantly audited by the university administration in terms of cleaning and hygiene and price stability. Our cafeterias are places where our students have a pleasant time with different eating and drinking alternatives and indoor-outdoor areas.

Istanbul Gelisim University Cafeterias

Created Date: :   Friday, March 15, 2019