Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim Announcement

Educational Activities Decisions on 2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester

Following decisions have been made for the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year by the Senate of Istanbul Gelisim University.

1. In line with the decisions of the Presidential Cabinet and the Council of Higher Education, it has been decided to switch to face-to-face education in formal programs at our university, starting from the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year.
2. Face-to-face education will be supported by blended (hybrid) education practices.
3. Some training activities will be carried out completely face-to-face, some will be carried out completely online, and some will be carried out with blended training applications (both face-to-face and through distance education).
4. Which educational activities will be carried out face-to-face, remotely or in a blended manner will be determined by our deans and directorates according to the conditions of each program and will be shared on the Student Affairs Information System (OBIS). As a general rule, all applied courses will be conducted face-to-face, theoretical courses will be conducted face-to-face and online, and our students will be given the right to choose as much as possible.
5. Educational activities to be carried out through distance education will be carried out online using Perculus and/or Google Meet programs via the distance education module LMS, which offers the capacity to give live lectures to 10,000 students at the same time within our university.
6. Our students will be given the opportunity to complete up to 40% of the total ECTS credits of the courses required for graduation in a program by choosing from the courses to be taught via distance education. For example, our students will be able to complete up to 96 ECTS credits, which corresponds to 40% of the 240 ECTS credits required for graduation in a 4-year program, by choosing from the online courses offered to them for 4 years.
7. Exams of all courses will be held face-to-face in accordance with the "Applications Guide for Education and Training Processes in the Global Epidemic" and "Applications Guide for Campus Environment" prepared by (CoHE) on September 03, 2021.
8. HES codes will be defined to student and personnel IDs, vaccination status and/or negative PCR test results that have not exceeded 48 hours will be electronically checked at the campus entrances. For a safe and hygienic campus, detailed checks will be made to ensure that students and staff comply with the hygiene rules and measures.
9. All academic personnel will settle the student meeting date and time for at least two hours a week, and will be in the campus room at the announced times to meet with students face-to-face or online.
10. Library, Erasmus Office, Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit, Career Center, Health Culture Sports (SKS), Occupational Medicine, Student Affairs, Dean of Students, IT, SOPE, Technology Transfer Office, Scientific Research Projects, International Student Office will provide online counseling for at least two hours a week on the days and times to be determined.
11. During the epidemic, the decisions taken by the local administration at the provincial level, as well as the relevant institutions and organizations of our state, will be followed and changes can be made in the above-mentioned practices when/if necessary.
We wish you a good and healthy semester.

Rectorate of IGU

Created Date:   Thursday, September 9, 2021

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