Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim Announcement

Questions and Answers Regarding 2022-2023 Spring Semester Education and Training

You can find the questions and answers about the 2022-2023 Spring Term Education and Training published by the Higher Education Council (YÖK) below.

1) When will the Spring Semester start?
The authorized boards of higher education institutions will decide when the 2022-2023 Spring Semester will start as of February 20, 2023. Students should follow the announcements of the higher education institutions they are registered with.
2) How will education and training be carried out in the 2022-2023 Spring Semester?
Education and training will be carried out by distance education (online) method.
3) Will Distance Education be implemented throughout the Spring Semester?
The distance education decision will be reviewed at the beginning of April 2023. If the conditions become suitable, hybrid teaching methods with the decisions of the Higher Education Council will also be evaluated.
4) Can the theoretical and practical parts of the courses be done on-site?
As it is known, some courses in our higher education system consist of two parts: theory and practice (laboratory, workshop, field, etc.); The sum of theory and practice makes up the total credit of the course. The theoretical part of such courses will be done by the distance education method. The application part of the courses will be left after April of this year.
If distance education continues after April, such applications can be carried out in the summer term with the decision of the authorized boards of the higher education institution, or they can be postponed to the next education and training period or completed with applied project studies.
5) Which programs do the applied trainings?
Applied trainings;
a. 4th, 5th and 6th grade students of the Faculty of Medicine,
b. 4th and 5th grade students of the Faculty of Dentistry,
c. 5th grade students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
D. (+1) term students of the Faculties of Technology and Engineering that implement the (7+1) program,
to. Students who practice Vocational Education in Business in Nursing, Midwifery, Maritime and all other higher education programs (See: Framework Regulation for Applied Education in Higher Education article 12),
f. (+1} or (+2) semester students of Sports Sciences applying the (6+2} or (7+1} program,
g. (+1) term students of Vocational Schools applying (3+1) or (2+1} program, students of Vocational Schools practicing Vocational Education in Business (See: Framework Regulation for Applied Education in Higher Education article 12),
h. It includes the students of the Teaching Practice course and these students will be able to do their practical training face-to-face. Our students will be able to obtain detailed information on this subject from the university they are enrolled in.
6) How will the students who have graduated and whose internship is incomplete, complete their internship?
Associate degree and undergraduate program students who have graduated and have incomplete internships will do their compulsory internship (See: Framework Regulation on Applied Education in Higher Education article 13) face-to-face in the relevant workplaces.
7) Why were some universities in the earthquake region matched with other universities?
Some of our universities in the provinces affected by the earthquake were matched with our universities in other provinces. This matching, which was made by negotiating with the rectors of the relevant universities, was carried out so that these universities could make academic and administrative assignments among themselves and cooperate in the field of informatics.
8) Why were some universities in the earthquake region not matched?
By evaluating the current situation of the universities in the earthquake area on site and by discussing with the rectors of the universities, matching was made in order to strengthen the education and training opportunities of the students. No matching was made regarding universities that do not have a situation that prevents them from carrying out education and training services.
9) What are the benefits of being a private student?
Special student status allows a student to take courses from an equivalent diploma program at a different university than the one he/she is enrolled in and to count the credits of the courses he/she is successful in.
10) Which students can benefit from special student status according to the decisions of the Higher Education Council dated 17.02.2023?
Students who meet the two conditions in (a) and (b) below can benefit from special student status:
a. Being a registered student at the universities in the provinces affected by the earthquake, or having first-degree relatives living in the provinces in the earthquake zone and being a registered student at the universities in the provinces outside the earthquake zone.
b. To be a registered student in the programs (students specified in Article 5) within the scope of the "Framework Regulation for Applied Education in Higher Education".
11) Where and when to apply for special student status?

Students who want to benefit from special student status will apply to the university they want to be a special student. The special student application must be made within 3 weeks from the start of the Spring Semester education and training date of the university to which the application will be made. For this reason, it is beneficial for students who will apply for special student status to closely follow the Spring Semester opening date of the relevant university.
12) How to apply for special student status?
Students who want to benefit from special student status apply to the student affairs department of the university they want to be a special student with an application petition. The YÖK e-transcript also attaches the student certificate to the petition. The applied university enrolls the student who meets the conditions described in Question 10 to the relevant program and class. At the end of the semester, the student's home university accepts the student's success status via YÖK e-transcript without any further action.
13) What should students do after their application is accepted? Will tuition fees be paid for special studentship?
The student who has gained special student status must notify in writing to the student affairs department of his/her own university that he/she has gained special student status. No additional fee will be paid for special studentship.
14) Who can benefit from the registration freeze right in the 2022-2023 Spring Semester?
Any university student who requests will be able to freeze registration in the Spring Semester. Students who wish can apply for a registration freeze within 3 weeks from the start of the Spring Semester of the university they are registered to. The semester in which the student freezes registration will not be counted as the maximum period of study. Those who could not apply during the registration freeze due to their excuses, if they apply by documenting their excuses, their requests will be re-evaluated by their universities.
15) What will happen to the students who could not attend the exams due to the earthquake?
Higher education institutions will set a new date and hold make-up exams for the exams of the 2022-2023 Fall Semester associate, undergraduate and graduate programs on February 6 and later.
16) Which provinces are affected by the earthquake?
Provinces affected by the earthquake: Adana, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Malatya, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa and Gürün district of Sivas province.

17) Is the time spent as a special student counted as a special student period in the “Regulation on the Principles of Transfer between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfers”?
18) To which universities can students who meet the special studentship conditions stated in question 10 apply?
Students who meet the special student conditions can apply to the equivalent diploma programs of the universities in the provinces where their first degree relatives' residence or temporary residence (the province where their first degree relatives live due to the earthquake).
It is not necessary for the temporary residence to be proven with a document regarding the address obtained from the population directorate or headman's offices, which is stipulated in Article 52 of the Population Services Law No. 5490. It is also possible with a letter from the dormitory directorate, a rental agreement or a letter confirming the residence by the family residing next to it.
19) To which universities (including international students) can apply for special students who meet the special student conditions stated in question 10 and whose first degree relatives reside in provinces in the earthquake zone and are also students in one of the universities in the earthquake zone?
Students can apply to the equivalent programs of universities other than the universities in the provinces affected by the earthquake as a special student.
20) Will the students of the universities in the provinces affected by the earthquake and matched with other universities be special students only in the universities that are matched?
No, these students will be able to apply according to whichever of the explanations in the 18th and 19th questions fits their situation.
21) Where will the students who will take the "Teaching Practice II" course receive this training?
Considering that the "Teaching Practice II" course should be given in the period when primary and secondary education institutions are open, for the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year;
Senior students of teaching programs, guidance and psychological counseling programs, and theology/Islamic sciences programs in our higher education institutions will be able to continue this course at universities in their provinces upon their request.
Universities will assign the responsible unit to ensure the coordination for the teaching practice II course.
Students will continue to take their other courses from the universities they are registered with by distance education method.
22) Will the theoretical courses in the graduate programs be conducted by distance education method?
Yes, it will be carried out through distance education method.
23) How will the laboratory and application parts of the courses be done?
The laboratory and application part of the courses will be postponed after April. If distance education continues after April, such applications can be made in the summer term, or postponed to the next education and training period, or completed with applied project studies, with the decisions to be taken by the authorized boards of higher education institutions.
24) In the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, will the applied education fees be paid by their universities to the students who are in the earthquake zone among the students who receive compulsory applied education in the science and engineering departments at the undergraduate level, and when will it be paid?
Yes, the applied tuition fees for the fall semester will be paid by the universities as of 27.02.2023.
25) Is workplace practice in the 5th grade of pharmacy faculty within the scope of face-to-face education?
Yes, it is within the scope of face-to-face(onsite) training.


Created Date:   Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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