The 9th International Socrates Congress on Social Sciences and the 9th International Socrates Congress on Health, Engineering and Applied Sciences were held online and face-to-face on August 16-18.
The opening speeches were made by Congress Honorary President and Istanbul Gelişim University Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin and Shahrısabz Davlat Pedagogika Institute Vice Rector Achilov Ilmurad. Academicians and researchers in many fields such as social, health, engineering and applied sciences provided information transfer at the congress.
9th International Socrates Congress of Social Sciences and International Socrates Congress of Health, Engineering and Applied Sciences organized by Istanbul Gelişim University, Uzbekistan Shahrisabz Davlat Pedagogika Instituti, International Scientific Research and Strategy Development Association and Socrates Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Stadies.
The face-to-face sessions of the 9th International Socrates Congress on Social Sciences and the 9th International Socrates Congress on Health, Engineering and Applied Sciences took place on August 16 at the Mehmet Akif Ersoy Conference Hall in IGU Block J. It then continued in 5 other halls at the university. 140 academicians participated in the online conferences held on August 17-18, and 178 papers were presented to the congress members and discussed.
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