Recently, online gambling addiction, which is frequently seen particularly in young people, leads to financial difficulties as well as negatively affecting the social life of individuals. Psychologist Lect. Berk Efe Altınal stated: "Although it is considered a crime by law to gamble or provide an environment for gambling games in Türkiye, a number of platforms have emerged that promise new, chance-based winnings that go beyond the traditional forms of gambling."
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development Lect. Berk Efe Altınal remarked that in addition to new forms such as online gambling platforms, some cryptocurrency transactions with a high risk of loss and gain, and "loot box" applications in video games, legal chance and betting games have become much more easily accessible by being moved to the internet.
“Ease of access increases the risk of addiction”
Lect. Berk Efe Altınal: "Research on gambling and gambling addiction states that one of the most important factors that increase the risk of addiction is ease of access. With the widespread use of the internet and smart devices, gambling and games of chance can be accessed regardless of time and place. For this reason, the risk of creating addiction has reached much larger dimensions than in the past.
Research shows that online platforms are designed to target people who are prone to developing addiction. These platforms, which have much lower public controllability with the international access opportunities provided by the internet network, increase the risk of the spread of addiction, known as Gambling Disorder."
“The amount of money spent to get excitement is constantly increasing”
Lect. Berk Efe Altınal stated that people with ‘Gambling Disorder‘, which is defined as an addiction by the World Health Organization and in the psychiatric diagnostic guide (DSM), need to constantly increase the amount of money spent on gambling to get excitement. When people who develop addictions try to reduce or stop gambling, they get a feeling of restlessness or irritability, and these attempts to reduce and stop it consistently result in failure.
“Addiction can harm one's work life and relationships”
Stating that the addicted person's mind is often preoccupied with gambling, Berk Efe Altınal also added: “This preoccupation can take many different forms, such as reliving past gambling experiences in the mind, making repeated analyzes of games, planning the next gambling attempt, and thinking about new ways to find money for gambling. In addition, this addiction is associated with turning to gambling again to cope with negative feelings and to make up for lost money in gambling, resorting to lies to hide their activities related to gambling, and starting to rely on others due to the deterioration of business life, friendships and other relationships due to gambling and the deteriorating financial situation.”
"It is possible to get rid of addiction with therapy"
Lect. Berk Efe Altınal: ''The intervention in gambling disorder is made through individual therapy and solidarity groups. In individual therapy, it can be used in a number of therapy methods such as behavioral, cognitive behavioral, and motivational therapy according to the origins of the person's gambling problem. In addition to these therapy methods, solidarity groups such as 'Anonymous Gamblers' are also used."
“The social dimension of gambling disorder should not be ignored”
Stating that it would be inadequate to see gambling disorder as a problem only at the individual level, Altınal said, "In addition to individual therapies for people who have developed this addiction, public health interventions that take into account the social aspect of the issue are of great importance. These include protection programs such as general mental health awareness, prevention of risk-taking behavior trainings and training programs for young people, as well as the regulation and supervision of games of chance and similar sectors. Furthermore, the identification of groups at risk and the establishment of counseling channels that people who are already developing addiction can apply to are among these public health interventions."
Lect. Berk Efe Altınal also stated that it has become even more important in the current period to take all these public health measures by being aware that gambling and chance games are being carried to the online platform and reaching wider masses.
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