Istanbul Gelisim University

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A method from the specialist to prevent weight gain after New Year Party

Food and entertainment planning continues as year-end approaches. Quality Life Specialist Dr. Haluk Saçaklı warned those who enter the new year by consuming too much food: “If the next day is applied the necessary steps, not even 1 gram of weight is taken.”

On special occasions like New Year, everyone can eat more than their body needs. Stating that in this case, the important thing to know the next day is to know how to behave, Faculty member of Istanbul Gelisim University, Quality Life Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Haluk Saçaklı shared the secret of not gaining weight after meals consumed more. Saçaklı said: “The energy taken into the body needs 24 hours to convert into fat. If the next day is applied, not even 1 gram of weight is taken. When you exceed this period, the excess calories in the food you eat are directed to fat stores. Fat is more difficult to dissolve”.


Saçaklı indicating that fat stores grow by eating and swell as they grow, said: “They have unlimited capacity for storage. Of course, there is a great need for fats in healthy life. We carry 30 to 40 billion fat cells. If we didn't have fat depots and we had to use carbohydrates only as depots, we'd be three feet tall and 300 pounds. No problem our fat depots matches our need”.


Saçaklı providing information about the things to be done in order not to overfill the fat storage, said: “The body needs a balanced amount of carbohydrates and protein to prevent your meals from becoming fat. The next day, increase your daily water consumption. Normally 8 - 12 glasses of water should be consumed per day, you should increase this measure to 12 - 18 glasses. On the same day, you should increase your daily protein consumption, but choose as low fat as possible” diye konuştu.

Stating that it is necessary to increase the amount of water and protein taken 1.5 times, said: “Increased protein during the day, accelerates metabolism with water. This allows you to get rid of what you eat without turning into fat.”

Noting that the bread should definitely not exceed 3 servings Quality Life Specialist Dr. Haluk Saçaklı, said: “Bread can be consumed at breakfast and as a snack. For lunch and dinner, you should definitely not have bread and cereal products. After waking up in the morning with a glass of water, 1 cup of coffee prepared with diet milk can be consumed. For breakfast, choose 1 lean cheese, 1 slice of brown bread, unlimited cold cuts and salad, prefer apple juice instead of tea.”


Saçaklı noting that carrot juice should not be forgotten in snacks, added: “Increase boiled and raw vegetables consumption, prefer lean one of milk and yoğurt. Meat can be consumed above the limit provided that it is grilled and steamed. Fat and sugar are forbidden all day long.”


Stating that this system can be applied at most 3 times a month and at most once a week, Saçaklı added: “If applied more frequently, metabolism does not respond. That means you can gorge 3 times a month. Eating 3 times a month without thinking will be enough for everyone”.


A method from the specialist to prevent weight gain after New Year Party Created Date: :   Friday, December 27, 2019

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