Istanbul Gelisim University

From the University Agenda

A protocol was signed between IGU and SSI within the scope of "2024 Year of Retirees"

A protocol was signed between Istanbul Gelisim University and SSI within the scope of "2024 Year of Retirees". Istanbul Gelisim University Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin hosted the protocol from Istanbul Provincial Social Security Institution Directorate and Avcılar District Health Directorate in his office.

At the meeting, possible collaborations were discussed with the participation of IGU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Arda Öztürkcan and Secretary General Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serdar Egeli. Istanbul Provincial Social Security Institution Director Harun Sertbaş and IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin signed a protocol for the collaborations to be held within the scope of the "Year of Retirees 2024".

At IGU, which attracts attention with the importance it attaches to social responsibility projects, ideas were exchanged with SSI about the projects that can be carried out on public health. Within the scope of the cooperation, it was planned to carry out certificate programs in the field of health in order to raise public awareness.

Within the scope of the cooperation with the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Social Security at Istanbul Gelisim University, academic meetings such as workshops, panels, symposiums, conferences will be held. Within the IGU Continuing Education Center, training programs will be organized in areas such as digital literacy, financial literacy, nutrition, first and emergency aid. In addition to the projects to be carried out with the contributions of IGU Social Service Departments, appointment and examination priority will be provided to retirees at Istanbul Gelisim University Dental Hospital at discounted prices.

A protocol was signed between IGU and SSI within the scope of "2024 Year of Retirees" Created Date: :   Friday, August 2, 2024

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Avcilar Counseling and Research Center "Opening Meeting at the beginning of...

Created Date: :   Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Istanbul Gelisim University participated...

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Vice Rector Prof. Arda Öztürkcan attende...

Created Date: :   Monday, September 16, 2024