Istanbul Gelisim University

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A specialist should be consulted before gingival recession progresses!

With proper and effective oral hygiene, many problems can be prevented by maintaining gum health. Problems such as gum recession can be prevented by regular checkups. Asst. Prof. Dr. Eser Emek from Istanbul Gelisim University stated that bleeding, swelling and edema problems in the gums should not be neglected and that a specialist should be consulted before proceeding.

Teeth are of great importance for a person to feed, speak and have a beautiful smile. In cases where regular controls are not made and oral care is neglected, many problems are encountered. In cases where gum disease is not prevented at the beginning level, surgery may be required in the following years. Asst. Prof. Dr. Eser Elemek from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Dentistry Department of Periodontology stated that regular gingival specialist checks should be made.

Surgery may be required for gum recession!

In addition to the toothbrush, dental floss is also needed for gum health. With regular check-ups in addition to these cares, an initial problem can be eliminated without the need for gingival surgery in the future. The first sign of gum disease is bleeding gums. Asst. Prof. Dr. Eser Elemek: “In the following periods, swelling and edema of the gums can be seen along with gingival bleeding. While gingivitis is limited to the gums at the beginning level, melting can also be seen in the jawbone surrounding the teeth in the future. This condition does not usually cause pain, but progressive bone resorption may be followed by gingival recession. The tooth root surface exposed due to gingival recession may cause hot and cold sensitivity, or aesthetic anxiety may develop as the teeth will appear longer in length. When gingival recession is accompanied by bone resorption, gaps and wobbles may also occur in the teeth. If a gum specialist is not consulted in the early stages of the disease, surgery may be required.

What are the causes of gum recession?

Stating that gingivitis is not the only reason for gingival recession, Asst. Prof. Dr. Emek listed the factors that cause gingival recession as follows;

  • Wrong brushing technique,
  • Use of hard brushes,
  • Crowding of teeth,
  • Continuous pulling force application by positioning the muscle connections that connect the cheeks and lips to the gingiva, close to the gingiva,
  • Plaque accumulation that causes gingivitis,
  • Clenching and/or grinding the teeth.

How is gum recession treated?

It is necessary to prevent the progression of gingival recession by eliminating the factor that causes gingival recession. Speaking about the treatment methods, Dr. Elemek said:

“If it depends on hard brushing, different brushing techniques need to be used with softer brushes. If it is thought to be due to teeth clenching/grinding; muscle relaxants, edema solvents or night plates can be used to prevent this. Because of the high muscle connections in the cheek and lip, these should be eliminated. If the patient has a complaint of hot-cold sensitivity on the exposed root surface due to gingival recession, anti-sensitivity treatments should be applied first. For this, methods such as fluoride applications, desensitizing toothpastes and avoiding acidic foods for a while can be preferred. Since the teeth will appear long due to gingival recession, surgeries such as tissue transfer from the palate may be needed, especially in patients with aesthetic concerns in the anterior region.

A specialist should be consulted before gingival recession progresses! Created Date: :   Friday, January 13, 2023

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