Istanbul Gelisim University

From the University Agenda

A visit from IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin to TTO!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) always proceeds with the vision of the research university. IGU Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin visited IGU Technology Transfer Office (TTO) to examine the projects carried out.

In order to monitor the current status of the technology projects carried out at IGU TTO and to see the on-site productions in progress, IGU Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin expressed his views on the projects.

Speaking with IGU TTO staff, intern students and relevant academicians, Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin also supervised the manufacturing processes of the 3D Mapping VTOL UAV.   Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin made recommendations for newly targeted projects which were carried out in line with the academic and professional knowledge. TTO team nicely welcomed IGU Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin.

A visit from IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin to TTO! Created Date: :   Monday, August 5, 2024

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