With the acceleration of digitalization and the spread of remote working models, it has become a common expectation that employees will be accessible by employers after working hours. This leads to blurring of work and life boundaries, increasing the risk of stress and burnout. Asst. Prof. Nazlı Yüceol, addressed the effects of this problem on employees and carried out a comprehensive study on the "Right to Disconnect", which is of great importance in terms of determining the boundaries between work and private life.
Many countries have implemented the right to inaccessibility, which stands out as a critical right that ensures that individuals' rest periods and private lives are respected, with legal regulations. While in countries such as France, Italy, Canada, Australia, Portugal, Germany, Chile and Belgium, the right of employers to reach employees outside of working hours is limited, there is no legal regulation in Türkiye yet. However, Turkish academicians carried out a comprehensive study to measure the perception of this important right and to bring the issue to the agenda.
Leading study from Turkish academicians: "Right to be Unreachable Perception Scale" developed
Prof. Esin Can, Dr. Ayşe Merve Urfa Yılmaz from Yıldız Technical University and Istanbul Gelisim University Vocational School of Health Services Head of Medical Services and Techniques Department Asst. Prof. Nazlı Yüceol developed the "Right to Disconnect Perception Scale" to measure employees' perceptions.
The details of the research were shared in an article titled "Blurring Boundaries in Work Life: A Scale Development Study on the Perception of Right to Disconnect" published in the Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, one of the most respected journals in the world. This scale, which consists of three dimensions and 18 statements, is an important guide for companies that want to develop more sustainable working policies in the business world.
Employees are tired of the constant expectation of availability
According to the researches on the subject, the fact that employees are constantly accessible outside of working hours can trigger burnout syndrome while reducing work commitment. In companies that do not respect the boundaries of work and private life, there may be a possibility that the performance and motivation of employees will decrease.
However, recognition of this right can provide significant gains for both employees and employers. Employee loyalty and motivation of companies that respect the right of employees to rest may increase, as well as the chance to create a stronger employer brand. Companies that look after the balance of work and private life can also have the chance to attract and retain qualified workforce more easily.
Employee well-being, and productivity are increasing
There are studies in the literature showing that the right to be disconnect positively affects employee productivity. While the energy of the employees who are forced to stay constantly connected is depleted, it is stated that the employees who are given the right to rest are more creative and productive in the long term.
According to experts, employers need to use this scale to review their current practices and create new policies. Employees, on the other hand, can use this scale as a scientific basis to defend their rights.
The legal recognition of the "Right to Disconnect" will make it possible to establish a healthier work-private life balance, while contributing to the creation of a happier and more productive workforce. While the steps to be taken in this regard in Türkiye can reduce the burnout problem of employees, it can increase productivity, motivation, reduce work-family conflict and directly affect the long-term success of companies.
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