Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News


Child development is a person who has a higher education at least four years in the field of Child Development and who is entitled to make a child development profession by taking the Child Development Graduate Diploma.

This program aims to raise Child Development Expert who evaluates intellectual, language, motor, social and emotional development and self-care skills of the children who have typical development, disabilities and are at risk age between 0-18. These experts also support the child, parents and the other educators interms of all domains of development.

The objectives of the Department of Child Development;

1- To evaluate and follow the developmental and skill areas (mental, language, motor, social and emotional, self-care) of all children aged 0-18 years.

2- To prepare and provide counseling services for developmental support programs for children and families.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT Created Date: :   Wednesday, April 12, 2017

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