Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Follow these rules while breastfeeding your baby

Emphasizing that breast milk protects the baby against many diseases and the importance of breastfeeding during the coronavirus epidemic, Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr. Muzaffer Uçarer said: “Covid19 virus has not been found to transmit breast milk so far. However, since Covid19 is transmitted by droplets and contact, great care must be taken to comply with the hygiene rules.”

Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr. Muzaffer Uçarer from Istanbul Gelisim University gives some suggestions to breastfeeding mothers. Stating that breast milk protects the baby and strengthens the immune system, Dr. Uçarer said: “The benefits of breast milk proceeds during adulthood. Breast milk reduces the risk of the baby getting respiratory diseases and other infections. Infections that require antibiotics are seen less frequently in the baby and allergic reactions are less common.”


Expressing that breast milk can be digested completely and easily, Dr. Muzaffer Uçarer from Istanbul Gelisim University said: “Babies who are breastfed also have lesser speech problems, diabetes, lymph cancer, anemia, dental caries, abdominal pain and constipation.”


Informing about the hygiene issue that mothers should regard while breastfeeding their babies, Uçarer spoke: “Before breastfeeding, hands should be washed; bottles and milk pumps should be washed and disinfected thoroughly; sterilization should be given importance, mothers should wear a face mask during breastfeeding.”

Follow these rules while breastfeeding your baby Created Date: :   Thursday, April 2, 2020

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