Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

If you spend a lot of money, you may have psychological discomfort!

Psychiatry specialist Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ertan Tezcan stating that spending a lot of money is a psychological disorder said: “If one waste money beyond budget, there's a problem we call compulsive shopping disorder”.

Claimed to have psychological problems 65-year-old Mehmet Adnan Soyudemir who lived in the district of Yildirim in Bursa in recent days stabbed his 32-year-old daughter Ayse Soyudemir arguing that she was spending his money. Father Soyudemir's first statement confessing that argued with his daughter on Money said: "She did not leave Money, in my account. She was constantly wasting my money, I was paying her debts".
Faculty Member of Istanbul Gelişim University Psychology Department Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ertan Tezcan evaluating the case said: “Murder is a universal problem. But two things caught my attention. One was for a father to kill his daughter for spending too much money. In this case, I think of a disease in the girl depending on a bipolar disorder or borderline disorder, was spending money. So I would have preferred that father take his daughter to a psychiatrist or psychologist because she was spending a lot of money”.


Psychiatry specialist Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ertan Tezcan stating that spending more money on the basis of this event is a psychological disorder added: “If one spends money beyond any human budget, there is a problem called compulsive shopping disorder. The person cannot stop spending money in that disturbance. There are compulsive hoists. He takes what he finds, takes him home, doesn't throw, collects, and makes the house garbage. They also do shopping. And they can't stop shopping in any way. Bipolar discomfort, especially in the process we call hypomanic or manic processes, we see insomnia, much talk, quick anger, not listening to the environment as well as complaints, especially inconsistent and terrible money spending. Credit cards can be closed completely, serious debts can be taken from others. Even real estate can be sold at very low prices. In such cases, it is necessary to be extremely careful. The person needs to be treated”.


Psychiatry Specialist Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ertan Tezcan underlining that the situation can be prevented by timely intervention in the aforementioned case, added: “Especially when a child spends a lot of money if a person does not want to go home and go out too much, I recommend a very rapid psychiatric help”.

If you spend a lot of money, you may have psychological discomfort! Created Date: :   Monday, January 28, 2019

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