Istanbul Gelisim University Vocational School (IGUMYO) Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lokman Kantar's project titled "Initial Public Offerings (IPO) in the Republic Period and Examining the Effect of the Media on the Initial Public Offering Process" was entitled to be supported within the scope of the 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program carried out by TUBITAK Research Support Programs Directorate (ARDEB).
Proceeding with the vision of "Research University", Istanbul Gelisim University Vocational School enables its students and academics to work on scientific, technological, research and development.
The project is carried out by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lokman Kantar and researchers are Prof. Dr. Nimet Hülya Tırmandıoğlu Talu, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Bozkurt, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şebnem Gürsoy Ulusoy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağla Kaya İlhan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Kablan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Düzer and Asst. Prof. Dr. Özge Turhan. Scholars are Res. Asst. Türkan Öykü Bütükçeklikok and Res. Asst. Metehan Özırmak.
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