Istanbul Gelisim University, which stands out with its sustainability studies and environmentally friendly practices, has been entitled to receive a "Zero Waste Certificate" as a result of its studies by taking care of people, nature and the use of natural resources.
Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), which carries out studies within the scope of the "Zero Waste Project" initiated by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, has also demonstrated its quality in education with its sensitivity to sustainability. "Zero Waste Certificate" was given to Istanbul Gelisim University by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, which set out with the slogan of "zero waste for a livable world". Aforementioned institution aims to prevent waste, use resources more efficiently, prevent waste generation by reviewing the causes of waste generation; collect waste separately at its source and ensure its recovery in case of waste generation.
Separation of wastes and efficient use of natural resources are aimed
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) attaches great importance to sustainability studies in all areas, especially environmental sustainability. IGU, which works within the scope of the "Zero Waste Project", aims to contribute to both the environment and the economy by separating wastes and using natural resources efficiently. IGU was entitled to receive a "Zero Waste Certificate" with activities such as;
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