Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

It is not easy to return to normal life after quarantine

Psychiatrist Onur Okan Demirci, who stated that 54 percent of people who were placed under coronavirus quarantine refrained from coughing and sneezing after the quarantine ended, according to a study conducted in Britain, said: “According to the research, it is determined that 26 percent do not want to enter crowded places anymore and 21 percent do not go to any public areas. It seems that these people return to their normal lives from a few months to three years.”

Psychiatrist Onur Okan Demirci from Istanbul Gelisim University added: “This research shows that it is not so easy for us to return to our normal lives immediately after the quarantine process. I can easily say that how soon we can return to normal will depend on minimizing the time and losses with the measures we will take during the quarantine process.”


Indicating that the researches show that some decisions taken during the quarantine process may have adverse effects, Demirci said, “For example, there are cases where people accidentally spread the disease by trying to go to regions where the population and the disease are less intense with the disease anxiety in the travel ban and closure. This shows us that even restrictions can have adverse effects and we should be very careful about this.”


Psychiatrist Onur Okan Demirci from Istanbul Gelisim University said:

“In the influenza epidemic in Australia in 2007, it was determined that those who had one child experienced 1.2 times more psychological stress than those who did not, but people who have 3 or more children were shown to be more resistant to psychological stress. The reasons for this may be the fact that having more children distracts from the boredom of the quarantine, distracting attention, the age of those who have many children is higher than those who have only one child, and those with one child may have higher anxiety to lose. The results of this research show that people with the highest level of psychological stress are in the 16-24 age range.”

Demirci emphasized that the news, numbers and mortality rates that are followed daily during the quarantine period will continue in the minds for a while after quarantine, added: “Let's not forget that the problems we experience under quarantine can continue as more as under quarantine even after it. It will be necessary to seriously consider not only the next few weeks, but also a period of psychological problems that may be much longer at the end of the process.”

It is not easy to return to normal life after quarantine Created Date: :   Tuesday, March 31, 2020

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