Istanbul Gelisim University

From the University Agenda

It is possible to avoid food poisoning with proper nutrition and storage conditions!

Recently, frequent cases of food poisoning have affected dozens of citizens. Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve Bayram stated that food poisoning can cause serious health problems in some cases, especially in individuals with weak immune systems. On the other hand, Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Prof. Dr. Arda Öztürkcan explained the conditions for storing food correctly.

Stating that food poisoning is a health problem caused by the consumption of contaminated food or beverages, Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve Bayram: "Food poisoning occurs as a result of the contamination of food with harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or toxins. These microorganisms can infect food due to food spoilage, inadequate cooking, hygiene deficiencies or improper storage conditions.”

“Symptoms of poisoning can be seen from a few hours to a few days”

Stating that the symptoms of food poisoning will usually appear a few hours to a few days after the consumption of contaminated food, Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve Bayram also added: "Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramps, diarrhea (bloody diarrhea in some cases), fever, head and muscle pain can be seen. Most cases of food poisoning are mild and resolve spontaneously within a few days, but individuals' reactions to foods at risk of contamination may vary depending on the amount consumed and the individual's sensitivity to bacteria and toxins. In addition, in some cases, it can lead to serious health problems, especially in individuals with weak immune systems.”

"Cooked foods should not be kept for more than 2 hours"

It is very important to adopt healthy and safe eating habits to reduce the risk of food poisoning in the summer.  Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve Bayram emphasized that foods should be cooked well and cooked foods should not be kept for more than 2 hours during this period.
She also added the following: ''Fresh and reliable foods should be preferred. Pay attention to the expiration date of packaged products and make sure that the packaging is not damaged. If the date of production and expiry dates are not written on the food, do not buy those products. Paying attention to hygiene rules is also a major factor in preventing food poisoning. Hands should be washed frequently before preparing food and during preparation; kitchen tools such as knives and cutting boards should be thoroughly cleaned after contact with raw food."

“Only drink water from reliable water sources”

Stating that care should be taken while eating out, Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve Bayram, "You should not buy products that you do not know how to store, that are not inspected and sold on stalls. Only drink water from reliable water sources. If you have a doubt, boil water or use purification devices.
Avoid foods that are difficult to digest and fatty in hot weather. Choose foods that are light, vegetable-weighted, and high in water. Frequent feeding in small portions does not tire the digestive system and is beneficial for general health. Care should also be taken to consume plenty of water in the summer months.''
 “Paying attention to food storage conditions is vital”

Proper storage of food is vital to reduce the risk of food poisoning in the summer. Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences Lecturer Prof. Dr. Arda Öztürkcan listed the food storage methods. Prof. Dr. Arda Öztürkcan said, "Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 4°C. This temperature slows the growth of bacteria and prevents food from spoiling. Keep the temperature of the freezer at -18°C or below. At this temperature, bacteria cannot reproduce and food can be safely stored for a long time.”

“Store raw meat and seafood on the bottom shelf”

Stating that proper packaging of foods will also greatly reduce the risk of food poisoning, Prof. Dr. Arda Öztürkcan also added, “Store food in airtight containers or properly sealed bags. This prevents food from drying out, mixing odors, and contamination. These containers can be glass, vacuum storage containers, ceramic or porcelain containers with sealed lids, locking mechanisms. Store raw meat, fish and seafood in a container separate from other foods and on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This prevents liquids dripping from raw foods from contaminating other foods.”

“Protect food from sun and heat”

Stating that fresh vegetables and fruits should be consumed as soon as possible, Prof. Dr. Arda Öztürkcan concluded his words as follows, “Keep vegetables and fruits fresh by storing them in the refrigerator, but separate overripe fruits since they can cause other fruits to spoil faster. At outdoor activities such as picnics, store perishable food in cold containers (thermos or ice bags). It is very important to protect food from the sun and heat. Foods at different temperatures should not be stored together; care should be taken to keep cold foods cold and hot foods warm.”

It is possible to avoid food poisoning with proper nutrition and storage conditions! Created Date: :   Friday, August 9, 2024

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