Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

MÜMSAD General Coordinator Ebru Akdağ: Packed food is safe food

Kitchen Products and Margarine Industrialists' Association (MÜMSAD) General coordinator Ebru Akdağ said that packaged foods that are controlled, and packaging and expiration dates are visible are safe food.

Metin Yurdagül, General Manager of Kitchen Products and Margarine Industrialists' Association (MÜMSAD), and General Coordinator Ebru Akdağ, gave a seminar on 'Boring Facts Against Attractive Superstitions' in Istanbul Gelisim University Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department. Experts in the food sector in Turkey drew attention to the information focusing on information pollution controls.

Akdağ, who conveys the knowledge of the pollution of knowledge on foods from non-experts, who are not experts, said: “Food inspection in Turkey is more than many other EU countries. Over the years, the number of inspections by the ministry has increased. In the light of scientific facts, we are a pioneer country in the production of healthy and reliable foods in the food sector.”

Ebru Akdag, said that experts on food are Food Engineers and Nutritionists, and these two occupational groups should complete each other and convey the right information. However, she also emphasized that chefs and gastronomy experts also have a big task, and we are all on the same boat and we should always take place next to science against wrong information.


Saying that the information put forward for the food sector is extremely wrong and dangerous, Akdağ added: “Packaged food is reliable food. Packaged foods that are controlled, and packaging and expiration dates are written should be preferred. It is not known which stages of the product are sold outside the packaging. I do not buy any products that are not packaged as a consumer and food engineer, I prefer the foods that are packaged because I know how they are produced. In addition, every food that is packaged is not reliable and it is necessary to pay attention to the illegal productions that can be removed from the audit. Always reliable brands should be preferred.”


Indicating that trans fats reducing work in margarine began in 2000 Metin Yurdagul, stated that Turkey had solved trans fat problem of the margarine production much earlier than Europe and America, and switched to trans fat-free period since 2007. Yurdagül also said that margarine is related to cholesterol and it is not possible to have cholesterol in margarine that is made from vegetable oils. Yurdagül also said that because of the constantly changing and evolving nature of science, as MÜMSAD, they have always stated their opinions by following the developments in the light of the scientific data.


Talking on teabags Metin Yurdagül said: “There is a wrong perception about the health of the teas sold in the herbalists, especially the bags of tea bags are thought to be unhealthy because of the claim of cancer, but tea bags are a natural material obtained from the fibers of banana trees”.

MÜMSAD General Coordinator Ebru Akdağ: Packed food is safe food Created Date: :   Tuesday, February 26, 2019

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