Istanbul Gelisim University continues to develop, grow, and break new ground by spreading the wings day by day like its symbol Huma bird. My Business Partner Project,the first project in its field, which is carried out by Istanbul Gelisim University, is being implemented within the ENHANCER Project, funded by the European Union and conducted by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in coordination with the Directorate General of Development Agencies under the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Türkiye successfully completed the project activities and its reporting processes.
Following a detailed candidate interview process, the project started on 16 May 2023 with 30 Syrian entrepreneur/entrepreneur candidates under temporary protection and mentor students from different universities in Türkiye who have guided them within the scope of the project, with an orientation on working with vulnerable groups for mentors. After the orientation, a general orientation meeting with ice-breaker activities was held on 29 May 2023, where entrepreneurs/entrepreneur candidates and mentors met.
Within the scope of the implementation activities of the project, in June and July, Business and Brand Management, Stress and Time Management, Effective Communication and Body Language, Pre-Accounting, Commercial Law Summary Information, and KOSGEB Grant Incentives trainings, which are specific to entrepreneurship from professionals in their fields, were given to the participants and the knowledge of the participants about entrepreneurship and their potential future businesses increased.
My Business Partner Career &Employment Fair was held
Following the trainings, workshops on business life were organized in August by Prof Dr. William Mosier, the training coordinator of the project, which strengthened the ties between the mentors and the entrepreneur/entrepreneur candidates and started to build the participants' infrastructure in the field of entrepreneurship. In December, ‘My Business Partner Career & Employment Fair’, which is the last implementation activity of the project, was held on 5 December 2023 with the contributions of Istanbul Gelisim University International Exchange and Cooperation Office and Career and Development Centre, which is a first in our university and one of the main objectives of the project, in order to increase the employment rate of the project participants and to get to know the business sectors of the participants.
Sector-university meeting from IGU!
The fair, which was held with the participation of approximately 40 companies, was attended by leading names in the field such as Doubletree by Hilton, Madame Coco, Metdijital, Daftercüme, education, private companies, public institutions and non-governmental organizations. In the fair, where students and company officials were interviewed, institution officials provided information to visitors about job opportunities, internships, and career opportunities in the sectors, as well as participating companies were able to access qualified human resources and entrepreneur candidates thanks to this fair.
Following the Career & Employment Fair, certificates signed by our Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin, and Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Necmettin Maraşlı were presented to the entrepreneur/entrepreneur candidates who are under Temporary Protection status and mentor students.
IGU International Exchange and Cooperation Office has met with the pioneers of the sector
The final report of the project was submitted to ICMPD on 19 July 2024 and My Business Partner Project, which is a first in its field, was successfully completed. After the successful completion of the project, with the contributions of ICMPD to enable grant beneficiaries, which are financially and technically supported within the scope of the "Improving Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration" (ENHANCER) Project and operate under the roof of chambers and OSB’s, to improve their institutional capacities in management model and innovation issues,as the representatives of İstanbul Gelişim University International Exchange and Cooperation Office IECO Coordinator Alisa Usubova and IECO Specialist Ece Nur Yüksel came together to discuss cooperation opportunities with Türkiye’s various universities and technoparks at Point Hotel Barbaros Istanbul between 25-27 June 2024. In the workshop, the ‘My Business Partner’ project, which has been successfully carried out by Istanbul Gelisim University, was introduced to the program participants with the presentation by IECO Coordinator Alisa Usubova. Thanks to this presentation made within the scope of the workshop, our project has gained recognition in various universities and technoparks in Türkiye and strengthened its network for possible collaborations and projects.
Istanbul Gelisim University increases its recognition among its external stakeholders every day with its international projects and strengthens its cooperation with strong partners such as ICMPD in the international arena. Istanbul Gelisim University successfully completed this project, which is a first in its field, and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), funded by the European Union, played an important role in this project and with this project providing qualified manpower to the business world has aimed.
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