Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Pandemic affects nurses at most!

The Acute Stress Level Research, made in the first months of the pandemic, was ended up. At the research that was carried out on a total number of 1.027 people and also comprised those of non-health care professionals, it was concluded that the highest acute stress symptom was seen on the nurses.

At the research, carried out by the Academic Member Dr. Alişan Burak Yaşar of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of the Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences of the Istanbul Gelisim University, Mr. Yaşar, who emphasized that there might be a rise at the acute stress level due to the high risk of infection for the nurses having one-to-one contact with the patient for longer periods among the health care professionals , indicated that there has been a fall  in the level of stress the health care professionals as the difficulty of finding protective equipment becomes less.


It has been ensured that the acute stress levels have been determined in the first months of the epidemic with the researches, carried out on 1.027, 387 of whom the health care professionals and 640, however, non- health care professionals at the studies or researches, jointly conducted by the Academic Member Dr. Alişan Burak Yaşar of the Istanbul Gelisim University, Specialist Dr. Mehmet Sinan Aydın, Specialist Dr. Aybeniz Civan Kahve and Asosciate Prof. Dr. Yunus Hacimusalar.

The Academic Member Dr. Yaşar, who mentioned about that the COVID-19 epidemic that caused the occurrence of important results such as long shifts for the health care professionals, staying away from the members of the family as a result of the risk of epidemic, working under intensive stress, further added as follows:

‘’Those of circumstances, experienced by the society and health care professionals, were the risky experiences from the traumatic point of view. The epidemics are regarded as traumatic factors the same as natural disasters and may create disorders subject to the trauma. When the matter is taken into consideration from the point of view of the acute stress symptoms, it was seen that the nurses were the group, who was affected at most in comparison with the physicians and other health care professionals.’’


Another feature that constitutes the cause of the higher levels of the acute stress symptom on the nurses in comparison with the physicians and other health care professionals is, however, the higher proportion of female gender at the nurse groups. Mr. Yaşar, who emphasized that the women showed higher stress symptoms, indicated that there has been a fall in the acute stress levels as the opinion of securing the professional justice among the health care professionals in terms of acute stress level gets stronger and the difficulty of finding the protective equipment decreases.

Pandemic affects nurses at most! Created Date: :   Tuesday, March 22, 2022

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