Istanbul Gelisim University

Gelisim News

Physiotherapist Konakoglu: Attention to the flat shoes

Physiotherapist Gulsah Konakoglu warned for shoes that are preferred very frequently in summer. Konakoglu said that the choice of shoes with flat shoes or low heels causes various foot deformities if foot-shoe harmony is not adjusted.

Stating that foot problems are common problems that make functional functions of individuals difficult such as walking, wearing shoes and standing, Physiotherapist Gulsah Konakoglu said that it is quite important to choose the proper shoes in order to prevent the foot problems that frequently bring about particularly pes planus, in other words the decrease must be in the internal curvature height of the foot.


Stating that the shoe, like the foot, acts as a connection between the body and the floor and provides sensory input to the body, Faculty member of Istanbul Gelisim University, Asst. Prof. Gulsah Konakoglu said: “The quality of these inputs changes the muscle activation in the legs and feet and affects both the kinematics and skeletal alignment of the individual. The use of unsuitable footwear disrupts foot biomechanics and leads to different foot problems such as hallux valgus, claw toe, hammer toe, pes planus, acute or chronic foot pain, which affect both dynamic and static postural stability.


Emphasizing that the choice of high heel shoes especially causes finger deformation, Konakoglu cited “Choosing flat shoes or low heel shoes which are considered to be positive in terms of comfort during working and long walks in summer can cause various foot deformities if foot-shoe harmony cannot be achieved.

Pointing out that foot-shoe suitability is determined by factors such as length, height and width of the shoe, Konakoglu expressed: “For instance, it is recommended that the distance between the longest toe and the tip of the shoe should be between 10 and 20 millimetres, and for the appropriate shoe width, there should be an average width difference of 7 millimetres between the shoe and the foot in the area of the foot combs. With that the shoe has to have the characteristics of these features, it is aimed to protect the foot, to ensure foot stability, to increase the friction with the floor and to absorb the shock functions.


Underlining that wide fit shoes with a suitable finger box height should be preferred for the toes to move freely and to avoid friction under the fingers, Physiotherapist Konakoglu said that you can therefore check whether you can move your toes while in the shoe. Do not choose shoes with which you cannot move your fingers.

Stating that wearing narrow shoes especially causes the outward deviation of the thumb, also called halluks valgus, Konakoglu cited that in the position of a normal foot results in negatively significant changes due to the prolonged stay in the narrow-toe shoes and this affects foot physiology.


Physiotherapist Konakoglu: Attention to the flat shoes Created Date: :   Thursday, June 20, 2019

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